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Sunday, August 02, 2015

A Viewer Sends: Proud to be white

A white woman could not be in the Miss Black American pageant, but any
Color can be in the Miss America pageant.
If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships... You know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly proclaimed Black Colleges in the US ..
Yet if there were 'White colleges', that would be a racist college.
In the Million Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights.
If we marched for our race and rights, you would call us racists.
You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and orange, and you're not afraid to announce it.
But when we announce our white pride, you call us racists.
You rob us, car jack us, and shoot at us.
But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug dealer running from the law and posing a threat to society, you call him a racist.
I am proud...... But you call me a racist.
Why is it that only whites can be racists??


Anonymous said...

Very well said. Let's not forget it is the "white" people that has provided for the blacks ever since they entered this country as slaves by their fellow black slave traders and slave owners. Yet TODAY'S blacks don't want to remember their own history. They would rather blame the white race for them being enslaved. The black race prefers to always blame someone else namely whites for their own failures. They want no responsibility, they would rather still have someone take care of them. Even today, the white race is still carrying and taking care of them in the form of welfare because they won't take care of themselves. So, who is really the racist????????

Anonymous said...

Thank you for saying what I feel. But don't forget the BET network. If we had a WET network then God help us. You can only bend down so far before you break. When will we have enough? What will it take? map

Anonymous said...

Viewer;step across the border at the top or bottom of the US and all of your problems will be solved.They only think like that here.

Anonymous said...

Excellent! Well said. Couldn't agree more. Of course I'll be labeled a racist for I care.

Anonymous said...

because all black people r full of love. us white folk r the only ones with hate in our hearts. i felt the love when i drove down roger st today

Anonymous said...

That's what they do . . .blame whitey for holding them back. They all lay claim that it is the white race that are to blame for their committing crimes, poverty, having multiple kids by various women, drugs, robbery, stealing, and virtually all societal vices.

You want to know what I say - I say give them all of the land west of the Mississippi or vice versa and let them cohabitate with their own race - and let the White race take all of the land east of the Mississippi or vice versa and we'll cohabitate with our own white race.

I can guarantee you that within a decade they will self destruct. Fact is - there has never been a self sufficient black society, EVER, on the entire EARTH. You won't have to worry about blaming the white race - because they will destroy themselves. They always have.

And I guess because I made the observation and analogy that now I am now labeled a RACIST to. I guess we(whites) can't win for losing in America anymore.

Anonymous said...

This comment applies to the following blacks: robbers, murderers, rapists, drug dealers, black men that father a bunch of children and don't take care of them, welfare system abusers....basically 90 percent of blacks. This does not apply to the few good hard working blacks who are kind and contribute to society. I honestly can't think of that many. Most black men are criminals, and most black women are arrogant and more racist than whites will ever be.
Regarding the post:
I've been saying this for years. Racially speaking, we live in a completely double standard world. I don't understand why we, as white persons, allow this to happen. It's a version of reverse discrimination. I feel used by most blacks. All they do is complain about how their treated by can't please them, but whites can't say one thing about how their treated by blacks. I'll stop here before I say more than I should.

Anonymous said...

They are taught to hate whites from a young age. In their churches, social gathering, schools, neighborhood. Even the Black's that act civil get harassment from other blacks.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the BET magazine. It would be racist if we had one called WET or honky if u wanna be slang about it.

Anonymous said...

I once saw an Oprah show where a black girl in the audience was asked if she would mind if a black man was the person who was sent to change her locks. She answered, "I would not be comfortable with a black man changing my locks." Oprah was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe a black girl would say that about another black person. As far as I'm concerned, that says it all. It was one of the most honest moments I have ever witnessed when it comes to the black/white conversation and racism.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that we have a black president who went 20 years to a black church led by a black minister who continually said, "God Damn America." Rev. Wright HATED whites. If we had a white minister who said anything close to all the shit Rev. Wright said against "the white man", the blacks would probably start rioting. That's what they do.

Anonymous said...

You've put it into words.

"Used" by them. That is exactly what I feel too. And I don't want to feel that way. If there was any other way to rationalize it left, I'd probably do so. But that's the truth, and it makes me sad.

Anonymous said...

Since this President has been in office race relations have gone back thirty years. I do not think he could see the forest for the trees. I am over fifty years old and I played sports my entire life. I loved all my team mates regardless of color. It is funny when a group of men have a common goal they excel. In the military it was the same there was no black and white. We used to laugh there was light green and dark green. The common goal was to survive and defend this country. Color was never an issue.

We can not lump all whites and blacks into one basket. We all do not fall into that mind set. There are racist od all colors. There are damaged minds of all color.

About a month ago I passed an elderly lady on rt.13 outside of Seaford Delaware. The van she was driving had a flat tire. I passed and went back. It was funny she laughed and said she had never changed a tire in her life. Once I was a out helping a car with three young black men stopped. It felt tense at first but we got the job done. I wondered as I drove away how many blacks and whites drove past this lady. My conclusion says it all some people just don't care period about anybody other then themselves.

We better get right or this country is in for a crap storm that will not end well. People need to wake up. Our Government is using race as a diversion for their failures and greed.

When is enough, enough?

Anonymous said...

All black people are not the way most of you are describing us. White people use welfare, which was initially created for them. White people are drug dealers, rapists, murderers, and many other things. Slaves worked to earn their keep while being beaten and raped. I'm black and I don't think the post is racist. I do however believe whites need to remember their history up to this point and stop blaming blacks for everything and stop acting so superior.

Anonymous said...

Racial tension and division will never be eliminated in this country. You have organizations like the NAACP that promote racism. White are now the minorities in this country. We should not have to apologize for being proud of our white heritage or accomplishments. ALL lives matter and that does include whites.

Anonymous said...

There would have been no need for a Miss Black American pageant if there is such a thing, if we white folk had allowed Black women into the Miss American pageant in the first place.

Some people will never get why we have these problems to began with. Basis thinking is their best attribute. Horse blinders their best fashion accessory.

Anonymous said...

Anony 1:07 You just proved our point. You probably voted for Obama (just because he was black) Blacks continue to cry racism (especially the NAACP). There are more blacks on government programs i.e. welfare, food stamps, than whites. There are more blacks in jail in comparison to white's. Blacks continue to look for any goverment program because of their lack of personal initiative. Lazy, with a attitude of entitlement that has always existed. Whites are tired of taking care of you it's time to take responsibility for your own actions, and take care of yourself.

Rebel Without a Clue said...

Anon 8:32 PM: "Fact is - there has never been a self sufficient black society, EVER, on the entire EARTH." You have just said what I've been saying for over 20 years but not in those terms. Just look at the island of Haiti or any of the sub-Saharan countries and see the continuous strife that these people go through. Only South Africa would be the exception. Hell it wasn't until recently the Jamaica and other Caribbean islands have actually acquired some sort of stable governments.

However going back to the article, it is very dangerous to generalize because generalization are the same thing as assumptions and everyone has one right? Like the famous song from Paul McCartney and Stevie Wonder says "there is good and bad in everyone". I feel the reason that we are subjected to the "black voice" is because they are more boisterous than any other racial group and considering their history one could conclude that this is a rational means to an end (I don't per se). No, people have to be judged by their character one at a time and not lumped altogether even though it would be easier to do so. You can lump groups of people together (subsets) but not entire populations.

Just my 2 cents, I could be wrong.

lmclain said...

Look up the Mali empire.

Rebel Without a Clue said...

Imclain you are correct and I was aware of this so I should have prefaced my statement with "In Modern Times" meaning the last 400 years. Certainly in the last 200 years. There have been tribes of Africans of great stature (The Zulu's come to mind) but as far as what we conceive to be a modern government I feel that any of us would be hard-pressed to find what we would consider to a successful government in the modern time period.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a bunch of angry people in this world.If we can't get along down here we got a lot more work to do and all people will need to get along to get to heaven.We all sound like a fast train to hell.We need to forget about race because every race has bad/good .God will separate the tares from the wheat.So if you are a bad person then you know you are hell bound,if you are a good person you are heaven bound,nothing else matters.

Anonymous said...

If white America had not spent 200+ years holding down blacks and other minorities these things would not exist. Let me use words that are very familiar to you, "If you don't like BET, change the channel moron."

Anonymous said...

You are right, not all black people are stupid, lazy criminals. Some are good, hard working and kind, and these are the people we want to believe represent blacks in general.

I grew up when it was all about "Equality" not "Entitlements". We were taught that "discrimination" was a bad thing, because everyone really was the same despite the color of their skin. Now you never, ever hear someone complain about "discrimination" or that they support "equality". Ever notice that?

Now blacks seem to embrace their "right" or even "obligation" to discriminate against other races. And whites who were brought up to treat other races exactly the same as anyone else, are suddenly shocked and baffled to encounter blacks who do not want to be "equals"'. That don't want to be treated the same as another white person, but demand some sort of special handling involving self-denigration and apologetics concerning the de facto offense of their own whiteness.

Therein lies the problem. Whites have been dutifully embracing "equality" but blacks didn't get the memo that whites are equal to them as well. They've been indoctrinated with all kinds of "Afro-centric" nonsense, been subject to countless programs designed to jack up their self-esteem, and have subscribed to an inexplicable attitude of superiority fostered and exploited by certain unscrupulous race-baiting charlatans.

We have been taught that blacks are equal to whites, but obviously blacks are taught that whites are not their equals.

Slaves did work to earn their keep, nothing wrong with that. So did everyone else!

Now there's a huge proportion of blacks, especially in cities, that do NOT work to earn their keep. I cannot fathom that good, working people of any color, can condone that!

Some slaves were beaten, as were "indentured servants"...both black and white. No doubt rape (as well as illicit affairs) occurred, which is appalling and inexcusable. However, white on black rape is extremely rare now, and I can't imagine it was much more prevalent back then. It was just not that common, unlike black on white rape. It still doesn't excuse a single instance, however.

I believe blacks need to remember ALL the history, not just the "oh poor me my ancestor might have been a slave". Remember there were plenty of black slave owners as well. What about those descended not from slaves, but slave owners??

If blacks would stop blaming whites for everything and stop acting so superior, whites would have to stop blaming blacks, and we could get back to the concept of being EQUAL.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
If white America had not spent 200+ years holding down blacks and other minorities these things would not exist. Let me use words that are very familiar to you, "If you don't like BET, change the channel moron."

For at least the last 50 years the only thing holding down blacks. If whites are holding them down it's because they act like "morons" as you put it. For the love of God, you have a black President, black Secretary of State, you had a black Attorney General, how in the world can you claim that blacks are being held down? You're the moron.

Anonymous said...

No need? Really?

Miss America pageants have not been "whites only" since 1949. That is when "we white folk" decided to drop the "whites only" rule that had only been in effect a few years.
Miss "Black" Amrrica was invented in 1968. So there was no need for their own segregated pageant. But they are the ones that supposedly demanded "integration" but only when it benefited them.

Some people will never get why they have problems to begin with.

Anonymous said...

Wake up whitey you better start forming groups to protect yourselves before it's too late.

Anonymous said...

@748 dont forget to hold your gat sideways like in the movies...

Anonymous said...

Kind of hard to form a credible, recognizable government without a written language, and hard to get out of the Stone Age when they never even invented (or discovered) the wheel.

lmclain said...

1:07....I believe the overwhelming majority of white people, even those in the South, readily admit that slavery was an terrible thing inflicted upon black people. They also don't go for the "blacks sold
other blacks" line of rationalization. White people bought and sold humans, broke up families, murdered, tortured, raped and killed them for a couple of hundred years. No one is saying that was good, or right, or, with any intellectual honesty, was justified.
What modern day white people say is that not a single white person alive had anything to do with it and sooner or later, and ESPECIALLY after handing over more than a TRILLION dollars in cash, housing, day care, education benefits, preferential hiring and contracting, and a host of other "you can't survive without white people giving you stuff" things, its time you got some on your own.
Black people are no better off (some statistics indicate WORSE off) than they were 50 years ago.
Please quit leaning on the crutch of "poor me". ANYONE (and other immigrants PROVE IT all the time) can be anything they want if they want to work hard, deny themselves the short term satisfactions in life, sacrifice and prioritize. Blaming others for huge numbers of incarcerations, dropout rates, teen pregnancies, single mothers with 4 kids by 4 different fathers (none of whom come around), drug use, and murders within your own racial group is an EXCUSE and a pathetic one that only holds weight with YOU.
Quit waiting for someone to walk you by the hand through life and "take care of you". NO ONE owes you anything anymore.
Quit thinking that the life you hear being led by gangsters, thugs, and drug dealers is an ENVIABLE way of life.
Its not anyone's fault that you got pregnant at 14 (except YOURS) and have 4 kids before you are 21, that you dropped out of high school (and can't get hired --- not because you are black, but because you can't read and write and want to fight every time someone does something you regard as an insult or an affront --- a sure fire way to severely limit your upward mobility), and/or have a criminal record.
People who whine and complain that "everybody is against me" get little to no respect. People who constantly have their hand out
in the belief that they mismanaged their life and now someone else is responsible for fixing it are in an even worse position.
You've turned a safety net into a lifestyle.
You've elected leaders that get your attention by promising you that they will give you more and more free stuff. You reject leaders that tell you to be responsible and be good parents and work hard.
White people (most of them anyway) don't graduate high school and receive a nice house, two new cars, and a $75,000/yr desk job.
It takes most of us a 20-40 years to achieve what you think you DESERVE without effort.
Until you, as a group, are honest with yourselves about your own self inflicted plight, and start taking responsibility for yourselves, you will never be anything other than a disrespected and ridiculed mass of "you OWE me something" beggars.
Want some?? Go get it. Life is waiting for you to get with it.
But if you don't, it ain't no one's problem but yours. At least, that's what I was told in my dirt poor youth by my father, who would actually hit me if I asked for a dollar to go on a school trip. But at least he was there. And THAT made a world of difference.
Give it a try.

Anonymous said...

Until you can walk one day in a black person's shoes, please, for the love of all things holy sit down and just be quiet.

If any of you white people woke up tomorrow and you were black you'd kill yourself in a week. Please stop with the rhetoric. It's pathetic, it's sad and the reason why our country is a mess now. President Obama has brought out every single bigot, racist, xenophobe in the good ol' USA. It has been a stark reminder that this country is only a 1/2 step away from cross burnings, white hoods and lynchings.

Hate is the continued spewing of stereotypes and tired "white pride" talk. Anything created for black people has been done for the sole purpose of not leaving it up to white people to do so. Ya'll don't give a damn, will never give a damn and will never, ever understand your privilege. You people see blacks with one broad distorted brush. That's the problem. I can recognize there are rich, middle class and poor white trash white people. There are nice, mean, weird, odd, happy and cool white people as well. The difference between black and white is that we can recognize ya'll come in different flavors. Unfortunately, you people can't do the same. It's all or nothing and the all is always negative which is why you feel the need to write the nonsense I just read.

lmclain said...

two things....obama generates such emotion because he is the biggest goof to hold that office in memory (including Jimmy Carter -- does that make me a hater of white people???). White people put him in office, don't forget. NOT black people. Sort of messes up your line of reasoning a bit.
Secondly, don't confuse "white privilege" with what once was known as "work ethic" and "morality". Things like staying in school. Marrying the woman who bore your children. Getting a job and applying oneself. Millions of black people have done this and have stable families, own their house, send kids to college, have great credit, and retire in comfort. They don't complain about what anyone never gave them or what they SHOULD have --- they got it by themselves. I KNOW many of them.
THAT is what "work ethic" and "morality" lead to......
It knows no color lines.
The OTHER behaviors I named lead in the EXACT opposite direction and it has nothing to do with the current term in rage today --- white privilege.
"We recognize y'all come in different flavors....". Hmmmmmm. I wonder, with all that let's all get along stuff, would it matter what "flavor" I was if I was in South Philly at 2 AM? Yes, racism is alive and well in the black community, too.
Bet your life it would. Your reasoning is weak. And self-serving.