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Thursday, July 23, 2015

Williams: Historical Ignorance II

We call the war of 1861 the Civil War. But is that right? A civil war is a struggle between two or more entities trying to take over the central government. Confederate President Jefferson Davis no more sought to take over Washington, D.C., than George Washington sought to take over London in 1776. Both wars, those of 1776 and 1861, were wars of independence. Such a recognition does not require one to sanction the horrors of slavery. We might ask, How much of the war was about slavery?

Was President Abraham Lincoln really for outlawing slavery? Let's look at his words.

In an 1858 letter, Lincoln said, "I have declared a thousand times, and now repeat that, in my opinion neither the General Government, nor any other power outside of the slave states, can constitutionally or rightfully interfere with slaves or slavery where it already exists." In a Springfield, Illinois, speech, he explained: "My declarations upon this subject of Negro slavery may be misrepresented but cannot be misunderstood. I have said that I do not understand the Declaration (of Independence) to mean that all men were created equal in all respects." Debating Sen. Stephen Douglas, Lincoln said, "I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes nor of qualifying them to hold office nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races, which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality."

What about Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation?

Here are his words:


Anonymous said...

Interesting article to read. And so true.

Anonymous said...

And if all the legal Americans were to rise up to seek independence from our rogue government, the libs would be sure to turn it into a race war. And Obama knows he can do whatever he pleases at this point.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln should have let the south go their own independent way. Been nothing but taker states ever since and a boil on the US.

Anonymous said...

I love how the low informed people claim the Confederacy was racist.

Anonymous said...

I love how the low informed people claim the Confederate soldiers were traitors. There are definitely some ignorant people around here.

What's sad is that the Democrats have been indoctrinating students into thinking the people of the Confederacy were bad people.

Anonymous said...

What I don't understand, is if the South was so horrendously racist and oppressive to blacks, when the Civil War ended why didn't they all flee en masse to the north?

If it was such a terrible place to live, why is the south FULL of blacks? Loads more than there ever were, back when there was slavery?

Anonymous said...

Lincoln had it right, seeing our present Black population's attitude.

Anonymous said...

Let's think about this 9:40 PM. Your slave is considered your property and you paid a lot of money for that property, right!

Your car is your property, right! What would you do if your brand new car didn't want to start one morning what would you do? You would take it to get fixed wouldn't you? You wouldn't start beating on it and trying to destroy it would you? No, your car means to much to you and you spent to much money on it. So do you think that all slaves got beat like the media would like you to think so? Not at all. There is only one picture of a slave with scars on his back for committing a crime. Do you think the owner woke up one morning and said I am going to whip my property today? Not at all. What do you bet that one slave committed a serious crime.

The bottom line is that slaves were treated as family. Why do you think they took the last names of their owners.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
What I don't understand, is if the South was so horrendously racist and oppressive to blacks, when the Civil War ended why didn't they all flee en masse to the north?

If it was such a terrible place to live, why is the south FULL of blacks? Loads more than there ever were, back when there was slavery?

July 23, 2015 at 9:40 PM

Slaves were actually treated as family!