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Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Not So 'Family Friendly' Incident In Ocean City

Editor Note: This was posted on the facebook page titled
Ocean City, MD - The Official Page by Sorina Warfel

Sorina Warfel    Ocean City, MD - The Official Page
Please take the time to read this for it could save your loved ones life.

My son was vacationing in ocean city Maryland with family during the week of July 1st thru 7th. During this vacation my son went to visit a friend which led to him walking a little after 2am. While my son was walking he was approached by 4 African American males who all took part in beating him. The four males proceeded to beat, kick and punch my child all while he was knocked unconscious. After the massacre was over they took the time to steal his phone,wallet, hat, earrings and shoes off his feet. I am appalled that not one person would step forward to help my son or even take time to call 911. I am also saddened to say that the lack of support we've gotten from officials in ocean city has left us disgusted and fearful for others lives. If we do not start standing up for each other and making others abuse our business this could someday be your child. Please if anyone knows anything please come forward, this can be done anonymous. They didn't just Steal my sons belongings but ripped him of his spirit. This happened on July 5th at 2:00 a.m! 9th street also between Philadelphia & Baltimore. They left him to lay for dead. Somehow he knocked on houses thinking he was home and a lady made him stay till police arrived. No one seen this!!!! I'm not understanding! Hundreds of thousands of tourist there and no one seen this. You should feel ashamed real ashamed!
Sincerely I'm a Broken mother!


Anonymous said...

OC hasnt been a family friendly place in over 20 years.

Anonymous said...

If anyone walks in OC after dark they better be carrying some sort of protection.

Anonymous said...

Thugs, this was a racist attack !
Wake up people, call it for what it is.

Anonymous said...

I got robbed in OC 3 years ago and thew cops looked at me like what do you want us to do about it. I said come with me and interview people. They could care less. i had to beg to use their phone. OC is not a family friendly resort. It is becoming a bunch of low class scum.

Anonymous said...

I would be a broken mother too. Really, people, no one saw this happen?? Yeah, right, we're talking about Ocean City, "the family town". This just goes to show how "family" it really is.

Anonymous said...

If this happened like said...I'm appalled! But there may be more to this story. No offense but that kid doesn't look like an angel!

Anonymous said...

Never, ever walk downtown OC late at night unless you have backup..

Anonymous said...

tell your children never to walk alone. the savages love to prey on people walking alone.

Anonymous said...

Ocean City is no longer a family place it has not been for a long time now, Ocean City is Maryland's Hell Hole

I holler at these black guys every weekend to get off my property said...

I see these black thugs every weekend that this article speaks of....Check out Talbot and Dorchester Streets in the Baltimore Avenue b/w 0040 hours and 0200 hours...

Anonymous said...

Why is he walking anywhere..much less in OC at 2:00AM..

As his mother, why don't you offer him a safe ride home?

And of course, there are two sides to every story. I'm sure your son was mouthing off, not just minding his own business like you said. I'm sure that's what he told you, though.

Anonymous said...

So what 3:47. Stop being ridiculous. Even if he were "mouthing off" this gives no one the right to steal from him. As a matter of fact.. Nothing- (except in self defense) you got it- nothing ever gives anyone the right to lay a finger on someone else in a violent manner. Nothing ever gives anyone the right to steal from another person or something off someone else's property ever either.

Anonymous said...


Why would ANYONE let their child walk the streets at 2am in the real party section of OC? That's terrible parenting, and I'm pretty sure the kid was out doing things he shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

Strange thing. i couldn't find this posting on Facebook. I went back to June 30th. No mention or photo. So allegedly this person was walking by himself (alert #1) at 2:00 a.m. (alert #2) on 9th St. between Phil. & Balt. Avenue (alert #3).
I visit New Orleans regularly and I would never walk by myself in an area without being well lighted. The area that his alleged event took place is notorious for a certain activity. If my son had told me this story, I probably would have put another knot on his head for being so stupid.

Anonymous said...

Everybody is so quick to mention "family resort" when an incident like this is reported.
Ocean City is no more (or less) a family resort than Baltimore, or Philly, or DC, or any large city is a "family city"
First of all, you won't find many families on the streets after 2AM when this unfortunate incident occurred.
Secondly, I willing to bet there are more incidents like this taking place at a baseball game with 20,000 people in attendance, than there is in a city - Ocean City - that has 300,000 people.
All you haters: I defy you to look at nightly serious crime stats at ANY city with over even 25,000 people and compare it with this town - Maryland's 2nd largest city.
A few isolated fights among teenagers in a city this large? Hell, I'll take my chances.
Mommy: Tell your son to be more careful. Always be aware of his surroundings. And while you're at it, tell him to lose the earrings, too.

Anonymous said...

How can OC be called family friendly, when there's a bar or store selling alcohol on every block?

I used to go to OC and work there, too. I stopped going because I knew that one day, trouble was going to find me. If you have a couple of drinks, and you run across somebody looking to fight/rob/steal, and even if you're in the right you'll probably get some kind of public intoxication charge. Drive totally sober and have a drunk person walk in front of your car, and you've got a lawsuit. Leave your stuff to go into the ocean for a few minutes, somebody probably stole your cash and car keys.

No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Schaffers OUT HOUSE.

Anonymous said...

Parents today want to blame everyone besides themselves and their kids. I can't imagine a scenario in which this kid was supposed to be there doing whatever he was doing at 2am. This isn't appropriate for a kid in OC, Baltimore or even Sharptown!

Anonymous said...

You never go out after dark any where in Maryland !!! Been here all my life ! The last ten years this state has turned to crap !!!

Anonymous said...

If you think it is OK for your kid to be out at 2AM this will not be the last trouble you will see.

Anonymous said...

I heard today that there was a big fight either last night or the night before downtown OC by those underage clubs. Same race as these suspects.

Anonymous said...

Just stay locked up in your homes in fear. Never venture out.
How utterly ridiculous to blame the victim for daring to go out at night.
I go to the neighbors, play cards, eat and drink and walk home after 1 AM. So if I get attacked it is my fault for minding my own business and walking home instead of driving?
I do not care "what he looks like", he "looks like" a kid. That is how they dress.
What a bunch of ignoramuses. d
Time to stop blaming victims.

Anonymous said...

So what is it now illegal to be out after 2am ..its a shame we cant freely walk anywhere anytime and not be a VICTIM OF A CRIME......just be prepared alert and use the buddy system..all you nannys nazis stick your heads back under a rock .

Anonymous said...

This is exactly the kind of behavior Martin O'Malley wants, if it wasn't, he would allow good citizens to use their 2nd. amendment rights to conceal carry.
No one talks about all of the other crime that goes on in OC. Rape is rampit on the girls from other countries, why, because it would cost them over a thousand dollars to return for the rapists court date. The thugs know this, so the girls are told by the cops, there is not much that can be done, if they are not willing to return for the court dates.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Joe for this post. Several times I have mentioned in various posts here how bad the boardwalk is at night. I have contacted friends of mine on the city council and nothing has been done. Most of the town sits and wonders why tourism is so slow this year, but nobody will stand up and say. Sure, the economy has had something to do with it for several years, but the steep dropoff this year is probably due to the absolute takeover on the boards every night. It started last year. I'd walk up and down and see this thuggish behavior all night long. You'd see some form of it every 100 yards or so, without fail. What was just as noticeable was the reactions of the families watching all that stuff go on, like shock and disbelief. Those people are probably at the Outer Banks this year.

Anonymous said...

OC's response to this is to pass a smoking ban on most of the beach. Yeah, that will fix things.

Anonymous said...

I have lived in West Ocean City for 20 years and we barely venture in to Ocean City. In the summer it is just plain gross. Thank The Lord for Assateague! As soon as my child finishes high school we are out of here.

Anonymous said...

Probably none involved were locals, we get a lot of rif-raf throughout the summer...just like any other beach resort.

Anonymous said...

From experience of living here for many years we're off the boards and on our way home by 10:00pm.

Anonymous said...

Never heard of this incident or any other random acts of this kind. They are usually isolated and the perps knew their victim.

Anonymous said...

The last 5 years in OC has changed for the worse too may nasty people finding there way here probably from being run out of somewhere else.

Anonymous said...

No offense but that kid doesn't look like an angel!

July 10, 2014 at 3:20 PM

What does an angel look like in your opinion?

Ocean City is not a large city, but its population does swell in the summer time to several hundred thousand people. And in that group are some not so nice people.

I would not put much faith in the local police there. They are more interested in issuing parking tickets and looking at all the bikini's.

Regardless, you HAVE to have and USE common sense, in any city. Much less a tourist trap in the middle of the season. There are people that go there just to prey on the weak and vulnerable.

This is not 1950. It's not too terribly safe to venture out alone in the daylight, much less at 2am.

Be grateful it wasn't much worse.

Anonymous said...

I went to that fb page too and did not see this. They must have taken it down so not to ruin the 'family friendly' image they lie about every year.

They just want your money and then want you to leave. Pretty much the same with locals, who don't really want you here in the first place.

Sorry to be rude, but you tourons have taught us well.

Anonymous said...

Well after reading your little novel about my angle comment you strayed of your own topic. I'm not sure what my idea of an angle comment Is to look like. But that doesn't scream innocent person. While I may be judging speak thousands

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Well after reading your little novel about my angle comment you strayed of your own topic. I'm not sure what my idea of an angle comment Is to look like. But that doesn't scream innocent person. While I may be judging speak thousands

July 10, 2014 at 10:17 PM

Sorry to bust your bubble, but the first sentence in my 'novel' was directed at you. The rest of my novel was directed at the mother and my general opinion. No offense but you are just not that important to me.

I am sure you meant to type angel and not angle. Have a nice, prejudiced, night.

Anonymous said...

@ This is exactly the kind of behavior Martin O'Malley wants, if it wasn't, he would allow good citizens to use their 2nd. amendment rights to conceal carry.
No one talks about all of the other crime that goes on in OC. Rape is rampit on the girls from other countries, why, because it would cost them over a thousand dollars to return for the rapists court date. The thugs know this, so the girls are told by the cops, there is not much that can be done, if they are not willing to return for the court dates.

July 10, 2014 at 5:22 PM

The State's Attorney's Office has a budget to bring victims back for court. A friend of mine was flown in from California courtesy of the State's Attorney's office when she was a victim of a theft case. They would not tell a rape victim to buy their own ticket!

Anonymous said...

But did they use profanity when they attacked-because that is against the law in OC?

Anonymous said...

No offense but that kid doesn't look like an angel!

July 10, 2014 at 3:20 PM

So tell me what he's suppose to look like by your standards, typical stereotype by people like you stop judging people by the way they look or dress, so if he wore dress pants and a button up dress shirt on with a tie would you think differently. There's only one judge and you're not him.

Anonymous said...

Wonder what would have happened if the races were reversed? 4 Caucasians vs 4 African Americans..oh wait! OUTRAGE in the media! CNN and MSNBC would be ALL OVER!
Our President would visit OC!
Just saying...

Anonymous said...

Bottom LIne...All LOCALS know you don't stay out late in OC without watching your back and NEVER wander into the lower 1/2 of the island at night.

Jim said...

Not surprising at all. O.C. is a criminal village. We Locals stay away during the "season".

Bush'man said...

Hey there 4:20 PM..
"Welcome to Schaffers OUT HOUSE"
Please take some serious thought as to what you are intimating...

Ocean City resident population of 7000.
Ocean City population during the Independence Day weekend 249,000

So if Ocean City(which is a rather quiet community) is "Schaffers Out House" then just where does all
S--- come from?
Just pause and give it some thought.

Anonymous said...

6:12 PM


erin hansel said...

He's a kid?? I'm sorry. How do angels look? Do they have visible halos? Short and ties? Please educate us all oh mighty one

e said...

Sounds like you need to read books more so than judge them.

Anonymous said...

Let's call this for what it is. It is a gang iniation. This is not an isolated case. Ask the emergency room staff at AGH how many times this happens each week. It has been going on for years. It is easy pickings for someone trying to prove their worth. That's the real story if anyone did any real investigation. Looks like most of the commenters here have their head in the sand.

Anonymous said...

"somehow he knocked on houses thinking he was home." In other words he was drunk as a skunk hanging out in an alley just off the boardwalk at 2am. Hmm, wonder if he might have been trying to buy something from those guys. Strange how on one of the most crowded nights of the year he managed to find a secluded spot to get robbed.

Anonymous said...

Well here’s part of the problem. There are two idiots running the patrol division; the patrol division commander, from past history is busy chasing female fire fighters around town and the assistant patrol division commander, the “Mill Worker” who can’t make an educated decision if his life depended on it. How do I know this? I work under them.
These two idiots would never think to beef up patrol during those hours in the problem areas such as 9th Street. Countless assaults over the years have taken place in that area after 1:30 a.m. The skirt chaser has female firefighters on his mind without his spouse finding out, so why would he think to beef up patrol? Maybe he's preoccupied. The “Mill Worker” is just plain stupid. He dated Bernadette for a decade, which should tell you enough right there. I believe they made a movie after those two….Dumb and Dumber. And why didn't SC he get selected for the Chief's position…….incompetent decision making and this is an example of it. Lack of safety for the general public.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the skirt chaser is 8010 and the mill worker is 8181.....

Anonymous said...

You hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

Isn't 8010, aka skirt chaser the same cop back in the 1980s in OC that said he caught an infant throw from the second floor of a burning building and lied in his police report? The truth came out the infant was thrown into a dumpster and 8010 picked the infant out of the dumpster.