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Wednesday, May 07, 2014


He’s 20, he’s white, and he’s a freshman at Princeton University.

According to the ethnic and feminist studies college students and professors who frequently and vehemently complain that this country is steeped in racism and sexism and is only fair and just and equal for white, heterosexual males – he is the poster child for so-called “White Privilege.”

His name is Tal Fortgang, and just eight months into his Ivy League experience, he’s been told on numerous occasions to “check his privilege” – a phrase that has taken social media social justice campaigning by storm.

It is meant to remind white, heterosexual males that they have it so good because they’re white, heterosexual males. They haven’t faced tough times, they don’t know what it’s like to be judged by the color of their skin.

Oh, but they do.



Anonymous said...

Well now , this is what I believe.
Until all blacks stop using the so called "N" word , then maybe it should be abolished. I hear it every day from people I work with , all being people of color.
Having said that , shame on the African Americans until this stops.
It is still in most dictionaries .
Spelled a little different with just 1 g .

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Extremely well written with excellent reason and clarification. This fine young man DESERVES a spot among the top social and influential philosophers! It truly is about time that EVERYBODY starts getting treated as who THEY are and not who their ancestors WERE. It disgusts me when you hear folks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton slam their ethnic counterparts thus creating inequalities in order to promote their own "equality." Racism is not a two way street in our society. Organizations like the NAACP can exist, but if a NAAWP (National Associate for the Advancement of White People) were created then whites would be damned as racists and all hell would break loose. Black on white crimes aren't a problem, but white on black crimes are construed as hate crimes. If white scholarships were handed out then that would somehow be wrong despite the fact that minority scholarships exist. A white male can be slighted for a job simply because a company feels legally compelled to hire a less qualified black male for fear of a lawsuit. The list goes on and on. These things happen everyday without hardly a reaction from "white America" but yet we are still told to "check our privilege" and fall in line because we have it easy and the suppressed need the benefits or special attention.

Our society and nation as a whole would be far better if the sense of entitlement encouraged by racist black leaders left the table. I loath for the day the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton leave this world so that there a less distractions on the path to TRUE equality. These TRASH products of the 50's, 60's and 70's have provided no benefits to modern society and their sense of entitlement is rooted in their own work etiquette for the simple fact that neither one has held a job outside of activism for their entire lives.

Kudos to Tal Fortgang for his narrative, this kid has a bright future ahead of him... unless he is shunned standing up against the machine.