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Monday, March 24, 2014

New Executive Order: “Obama Has Just Given Himself the Authority to Seize Your Assets”

On Monday the U.S. government took steps to seize the US-based assets of Russian lawmakers and anyone else that the US government deemed complicit in supporting the Crimean secession movement.

We’ve seen the U.S. government do this in countless cases surrounding drug and financial crimes, and sometimes even against foreign leaders like Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega.

What makes this particular instance so unprecedented and terrifying is that President Obama went so far as to issue a new Executive Order to give himself the authorization to do so, because the laws of the United States are such that our government is not allowed to simply take someone’s bank assets, home or business without due process.

Here’s the kicker.



Anonymous said...

Isn't there one Senator with balls enough to bring up an impeachment process on this Socialist?

Anonymous said...

I expect to hear him make Sharia the predominant law by executive order..

Anonymous said...

On what grounds 9:45? impeachment is reserved for actual high crimes and misdemeanors not to change election results that you refuse to accept.

Anonymous said...

Try purgatory actions on his birth place and lying to Americans about Obamacare.

Obama Crooked Bastardo said...

This is Unbelievable. This has nothing to do with political situation in Europe 10,000 miles away. It is just an Excuse for the Liar in Chief to come and Confiscate Anybody's Property and Assets as He Feels At Any Time. Is this what you call a Leader of the Democracy? No, it's Communist Dictatorship with disregarding Laws of this Great Land and Utterly Unconstitutional.

Anonymous said...

This is what kills me living here on the eastern shore. Please someone tell me how in the world a post about the fire dept. Using a fire truck to get lunch can garner up words of 100 comments on this site and, yet this post I'm willing to bet will be lucky to reach 20 comments at best? I see stories on here all most daily about Obama breaking the law and bypassing Congress. He has lied to the American public so many times he makes Nixon look like a saint. Yet the people on the shore seem to not care in the least. Look Obama has taken more rights from us Americans then any other president in history and yet here on the shore people seem to care more about what a fireman drives to eat lunch. Obama has pushed his affordable care act through congress telling congress "you have to pass the law to see what's in it" then to top it off if Obama care was its own country with the money spent it would be the 5TH largest country in the world. Yes that's a fact look it up. I just don't get it. I know and understand the issue with using the fire trucks in Salisbury and I agree they shouldnt be used to get lunch. I'm simply using that situation to make a point. People on the shore seem to bury there heads in the sand when it comes to national politics.

Please excuse any spelling errors. And I know I don't know how to construct a proper sentence I only have a 7th grade education but even I can see when I'm getting screwed.

Anonymous said...

Just like in 1933 when all personal gold was confiscated by executive order.