Paul, a 2012 candidate for the Republican nomination, supported Cuccinelli in his bid for the Virginia governor’s seat against the winner
“You know, a couple weeks ago Ken was way behind and nearly caught up,” Paul said on Wednesday’s “Your World” on the Fox News Channel. “So, I would say it was still an issue. But I think government workers was a bigger issue. I think it was sort of like throwing in D.C. people into the race because of northern Virginia. So, that’s a completely different story.”
I call BS on this one, the reason he lost was because he was abandoned by all those rinos in dc. The stalwarts of the republican didn't want him elected. so they left him to slog it out on his own. to damn bad, time for those rinos to go!
Cucinelli lost for many reasons--8 million dollars donated from a Environmentalist and venture capitalist from California named Tom Steyer for one. Steyer hit Cuccinelli for DARING to want to investigate the completely fraudulent UVA climate research spearheaded by Mann. Millions poured in from wealthy Democrat donors from other states. A sham Libertarian candidate funded by a wealthy Democrat from Texas. See a pattern here people? Read "The Blueprint" --how 4 extremely wealthy Democrats flipped Colorado from Red to Blue, it is being implemented in Texas as well. Wealthy millionaires are using their money to influence elections on every level. They all plan on reaping the benefits of having a Democrat crony in power to get even richer. Politicians have become "investments" for the uber wealthy who own this country.
The really sad part is he lost to such weak opponent. Had they run someone good Cucinelli would have lost in a landslide.
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