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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Republicans And Black People

Republicans are wrong to ignore black voters in the way that they do. I don’t think it’s a hopeless cause for them, and even modest inroads into the black community could tip elections the GOP’s way.

Sure, African Americans have been resistant to changing their allegiance. The task for the GOP seems impossible. But I’m not really aware of much of an attempt by Republicans – particularly presidential candidates – to go into black neighborhoods with a consistent message explaining why conservative principles work for African Americans and others who have a disproportionate number of low-income earners in their ranks.



TimeForRealChange said...

When we realize that republicans and democrats are two wings of the same bird, things will change. It's about authoritarian vs libertarian now.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny how the progressives (Marxists) coerce blacks and other low information voters to support their cause and fight for them when it's truthfully against their best interests to do so.
The Democratic party has fallen to Marxism and most don't even know they are supporting the Government of our enemies.
This was defined in another article here very well...
Although Marxism (or socialism, communism, collectivism, progressivism, statism, “the far left” or whatever name you prefer) has been, over the past century, by far the world’s single greatest scourge, causing more death and suffering than any other force on earth, we are elevating these types to the highest levels of government. Meanwhile, the biggest political devil in modern American history is the late Sen. Joe McCarthy, who claimed the U.S. government was full of communists and Soviet agents. However, the U.S. government was full of communists and Soviet agents. Yet to this day, it is not insane Marxist ideology and practice, but rather, those who criticizethe “radical left” and “progressives” (as Marxists prefer to be called) that are maligned in the press, popular culture and education.For the same reason, free-market capitalism, proven to result in a higher quality of life and greater degree of prosperity and liberty for a larger number of people than any other system in world history, is maligned, while socialistic, all-powerful nanny government, which has proven always to deliver misery, corruption and serfdom throughout history, is celebrated.

Anonymous said...

There's a reason why they're still in the ghettos and every other nationality/cultural sect and assimilated and risen out of the ghetto.

Anonymous said...

with all do respect, if people in the black community would simply look at the facts instead of listening to the same old sorry rhetoric they would realize what is best for them

lmclain said...

Blacks didn't vote for Obama because of his policies or because he was a democrat --- "man on the street" interviews showed, over and over again, that many black voters didn't know his platform or position on ANYTHING (except free phones). They voted (at a rate of around 95%) for him because he was half black. So, racist or not, if the Republicans want their vote, run Jesse Jackson (it doesn't matter how totally stupid or incompetent he is, he's black). Platforms and positions don't mean that much to the masses.

Anonymous said...

All this talk about looking at the facts...

Look at all these credible facts in the comments! (joking)

Anonymous said...

Most blacks that I have spoken to have no idea that Martin Luther King was a Republican...or that the Democrats started the KKK as their enforcement arm...or that Democrats did everything to block Civil Rights...get educated people!

Anonymous said...

It really amazed me that the black communities would vote for someone just because they are black but they do it over and over again without any regards to what has become of their race and culture by making these poor choices.
It's so juvenile. Children pick things based on color. Anyone who has been around children know they grab instantly for their favorite color crayon or marker.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who has been around children know they grab instantly for their favorite color crayon or marker.

September 18, 2013 at 8:28 PM

OMG. I am embarrassed for you.

Anonymous said...

We need to ignore the black voters.look at the last six years.they got their chance.

Now if hillary gets it....we can ignore the women next.