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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Obama To College Students: Do Not Celebrate Fourth Of July

The Liberty Paper

As the country prepares to celebrate its independence from Great Britain President Obama had a completely different message for a group of Congressional Summer interns in Washington:

“America is a great country. There is no denying this. However, I caution you all as you step forward in your careers. Peer back into history and ask yourselves- Was a revolution truly necessary? Great Britain may not have had it completely right, but they had many things right. Take taxes for example. If your neighbor makes $1 Million a year, but you and your family can barely keep the heat on should he not help your family? God instructs us to help our neighbors. He does not instruct us to look down upon them though the windows of capitalism. Why then on the Fourth of July should you celebrate such a radical break from what is Godly and just? No doubt there are many voices warning you of the harm of big government. They are wrong. Government can provide you with what family and friends cannot. If this is gone what will you have?”

Many in the crowd seemed uneasy, and desperate for some sort of clarification. Julie Barks, an intern from Louisiana State University, asked President Obama, “Are you saying we should not celebrate the birth of our country?”

President Obama responded, ”I believe we should celebrate where we are going. Celebrate moving forward. Not where we have been.”


Anonymous said...

Obama you are a fool

Anonymous said...

Obama can take that statement to his grave.

Anonymous said...

Free and Liberty loving Patriots will continue to celebrate where we have been. If brave freedom loving Americans hadn't accomplished what they had you and other communist wouldn't be able to bloviate your leftist rhetoric. You sir are a disgrace and an embarrassment to this great country.

Anonymous said...

Very, very scary. And yet he has said these things all along and still he is worshipped and adored.

It just doesnt make sense.

Anonymous said...

We have been only 10 trillion dollars in debt when Obama just came in. Now it's 17 trillion dollars, so truthfully where are we really going because it sounds a lot like this country is becoming more communist this days.

1. Drones allowed to kill U.S. citizens on U.S. land.
2. Limit on soft drinks in New York.
3. A corrupted government with politicians.
4. Invasion of privacy online.
5. A egotistical leader who can't help but think he and his family are royalty.

Jim said...

Please know that this was political satire, it didn't happen. It's kind of believable though.

Anonymous said...

Celebrate becoming a socialist nation? (or even worse, I fear)...WAKE UP AMERICA before it is too late!

Anonymous said...

Obama you can your thoughts and your family and go to a muslim country any time now and it would make all of us happier.

Anonymous said...

well, I guess when you don't have the intellectual firepower to argue your points based on the facts, it is best to manufacturer stories like this. We see how easy it is for the masses to soak any story up. Bunch of geniuses.