It’s a big pill to swallow, even in a state whose leaders have felt no compunction about raising over 40 taxes, especially on businesses and the well-too-do, during the O’Malley-Brown reign in Annapolis.
Yes, the fees and taxes that commenced July 1 are necessary over the long run. We may not like it, but progress comes with a price.
And it's only 3.5 cents. That's 1% of the average price now. You realize that some gas stations that are next to each other have a 1% difference and nobody cries about it.
That being said, the gas tax is a regressive tax so it won't matter a year from now (look it up). The tolls are low as anything compared to EVERYWHERE in the country, so really the tolls around here are just catching up to the rest of the country. So basically the whole thing is pointless. The tax is pointless and the pushback is pointless.
You can take your COMMIE views and go to KENYA with Obama 7:24 pm
We had the Boston TEA PARTY b/c of taxes you idiot...oh that's right...
you went to public school and was not taught about the BOSTON TEA PARTY
724PM...sure sounds like a liberal talking!
Pointless must be your way of thinking.....so do you think our salaries here on the shore are caught up with the rest of the country. Hardly.
Maryland had one of the highest gas taxes in the country prior to July 1st AND the 8 additional cents coming next July 1, we will continue to be a leader (pun intended).
7:24 Please tell me what a regressive tax is. Explain the word regressive. Just another stupid statement from a liberal Democrat
The sharp stick reameth us all as they gleefully rub their hands together and the $$ rolls in. And nary a soul screams in response. This state population rolls over like a fat, dumb dog, wags its tags and accepts without a whimper.
We should be so ashamed. I am.
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