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Monday, January 21, 2013

A Comment From Allen West

It's inauguration day for the second term of President Barack Hussein Obama. The ironic thing is that when the celebration is over, and the hangovers subside, President Obama and his acolytes will have to look in the mirror and realize they have inherited their own self-created economic mess. These facts show what they have wrought since 2009:

There are 2.1 million more Americans NOT in the workforce.
A gallon of gas is up 79%
The Federal debt is up 55%
Food stamp recipients are up 46%
Americans in poverty are up 23%
Insurance premiums are up 17%

Share these facts with someone you know who voted for him!

America must no longer accept the rhetoric of blame and whining. Time to man up and offer solutions. “Taxing the rich,” gun control, and amnesty are campaign rally points, not governing principles. I for one shall be the eagle's eye watching, commenting, and guarding the future for our next generation, ensuring they inherit a greater America, not a diminished liberal progressive nanny-state.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Mr. Allen West. You are a patriot.

Anonymous said...

barack hussein obama, balack saddam osama,,,, Will we survive the last days? I mean the 4 years is just starting, will the end come soon??

Anonymous said...

"nanny state?" NO-Call it like it is-a SLAVE state with the government as the master.

Anonymous said...

Well written and on point. The only trouble is obama will never admit to any of his mistakes and will keep the blame game going. After all, it's the only thing he knows how to do.

Anonymous said...

Ya'll might as well get used to the fact that West is part of a lunatic fringe and Obama is a popular centrist President. To deny reality is to be ignorant.

Anonymous said...

3:49 - Who is denying reality and being ignorant? Allen West is no fringe - he's a decorated war hero and a patriot. And it is precisely because he believes in the documents of our Republic that he speaks out.

You must be really left because that's all they do all day long is blame those that believe in our Republic as given by our founding fathers as being "fringe". What a fool you are.

lmclain said...

How utterly stupid our populace has become when fiscal restraint and personal responsibility are considered "fringe" thinking....and "popular" means 1% edge in the voting block. BARELY WON would be a better description, but that would probably affect someone's self esteem...."Y'all" have been completely brainwashed into thinking obama is NOT driving us into economic chaos and third world financial status. What, again, is his plan for paying back TWENTY TRILLION dollars??? --- I know his FIRST plan was "I'll cut the deficit in half in my first term", but that was just to get your vote. And you goofs fell for it. Even my kids know that I can't loan them 20 million dollars (I don't have it) and they also know THEY couldn't pay it back. Only obama and his legion of slobbering fool followers think we can do the same with 20 TRILLION.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like sour grapes from someone who didn't get re-elected.

Anonymous said...

Oh your poor sheeple commenting on here. You are so caught up in his charisma and the lies that you fail to see the truth. It's not about democrat or republican anymore! It's not about black or white anymore. To the eugenic tyrants pulling obamas puppet strings, it never was. It's about freedom vs slavery for all of us. It's about the haves vs the have not's. As the illustrious, illuminati puppet Shawn Carter said, " men lie, women lie, but numbers don't. This is planned demise to collapse the economy and the few global elite will have total control. Obama doesnt really care about you or me, just his banker buddies. Heck Bush had more color in his cabinet. You all realize with the national defense authorization act that obama signed on 12/31/11, any regular american citizen can be held in definetly without trial or due process as they seem fit. Please people just spend an hour each day over the next week and type some things in google, click links and research for yourself. this government enslaved its own people, slaughtered the native people, conducted experiments on people and the environment. our government is the most violent part of our society. Father in heaven I pray that the truth may be revealed to to the people of this country. And we will get back to what made us great by questioning authority, seeking justice, and speaking up for our god given right to liberty and justice. And I pray that the true evil at work that is already written will be exposed in all things.

Anonymous said...

It's not repub vs dem. They are both evil.

It's good vs bad. Evil vs righteous. Right vs wrong.

Obama is the second worse thing to happen to this country.

The worse thing is the majority of voters (unless rigged) gave him two terms to destroy us.

I bet him and his wife kick back in the bed in the White House and laugh at us.

They won the lottery again.