I mentioned yesterday that the Wicomico Republicans had a strong presence at the Farm & Home Show over the weekend. In fact, the Republican Club reserved their spaces back in March and delivered a check in March. They reserved a 10 x 20 spot, (two booths).
The Show representatives contacted the Democrat Club and they too showed interest. However, when the Show staff told them it was only $75.00 for a booth the Democrats said they were a non profit and were exempt from ANY charges. They wanted the space for FREE.
In the end the Democrat Club refused to pay any fees and did not attend the Show.
OK, here's where I have a problem with all this. The Democrat Party is all about entitlements. They want everything for free. I wonder how often they get away with using that line.
HOW are we supposed to show support for our local community IF they are NOT willing to pony up $75.00? I mean, seriously! The Republican Club took up TWO Booths for the Show and gladly paid in advance.
Quite frankly this makes me sick to my stomach. I love how these guys blame everything on the republicans. Now I have to wonder if Ireton has one of those FREE Obama phones!
According to Geoff Smoot's letter in today's Daily Times, the local Republican leaders are schmucks.
Smoot is an Idiot. Maybe he's pissed because Obama rejected his free phone aplication.
Great post and comment about Smoot.
Mr or Ms. 7:21 -- your comment is an understatement. In that letter Smoot takes cheap shots at Dennis Evans, Dave Parker, and Andy Harris, by name.
I guess that he omitted Dr. Doorag becase he is no longer in charge of the local elephabt circus.
Smoot even attacks a neighbor because he supports Republican candidates.
No wonder a jerk like Smoot supports Obama and his ilk - O'Malley, Pollitt, Ireton, etc..
Sounds like a liberal to me.
Based solely on Smoot's published thoughts in the DT over the years, I surmise his diet consists entirely of baked beans!
I guess Smoot means republicans who are flip floppers and if they even had any principles to begin with don't stand by them and disguise it under the word "compromise."
Oh how some like Mr Smoot are so easily fooled and led around by the establishment.
And to think that Mr. Smoot was a teacher for so many years...imagine that
Mr Smoot is just another in the vast sea of the uninformed who hear a catch phrase like the republicans want to do away with SS and Medicare and run with it.
Somehow in their minds they made a leap from wanting to save and fix it to doing away with it.
They can not tell anyone which republican has actually said anything of the sort but continue to repeat the phrase as if it's gospel.
Gotta love how a letter to the editor of the DT's ends up getting more comments here!
Mr. Smoot must have gone through a big change in his older age. He was my US history teacher and I don't remember him being so liberal. However, I had a Mr. Himes that was a flower child and is a big liberal so maybe Bennett High school was full of liberals in the 80's, I just didnt know it. They did a good job teaching me, but we don't have much we agree on now...
Smoot is a Democrat. He's just trying to make Republicans feel bad about today's candidates and go the other way in the election.
I can't understand why anyone would donate to the democratic party.
I doubt that they are what most people consider non-profits - 501(c)3 organizations. That's how churches, homeless shelters, and philanthropic organizations choose to incorporate. Hospitals, membership clubs, heck - even the Chamber of Commmerce are not non-profits as most people envision them.
With billions of dollars sloshing around the Democratic Party, I have to laugh when they cry poor.
Smoot's BS pales in comparison to that spread by M. Pretl.
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