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Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Update On The Rumor That Pepco ordered Delmarva Crews To Leave The Shore And Report To The D.C, P.G., Montgomery County Area.

After receiving a few phone calls and seeing postings on social media about Pepco having ordered Delmarva Crews To Leave The Shore And Report To the D.C, P.G., Montgomery County area I called to get clarification on what is happening. I have been assured that no crews have left the shore and none will until all homes have their electric restored.,

I was told that the Delmarva crews have been informed that after all power is restored on the shore and only after all power is restored will any crews be assigned to the D.C., PG., Montgomery County area.

That is all I know for now. Should anyone have any further questions or hear rumors you think should be addressed please let me or another public official know who can get you an answer.


Anonymous said...

So why did their crews go west immediately?

Anonymous said...

Some Delmarva Crews Left Sunday night, And some left Monday morning

Barb said...

My husband works for Conectiv and left Sunday night with his bags packed so that's another lie. He was told to pack enough clothing for 7 days. Management is so full of crap.

Anonymous said...

Good, send their lazy butts where they are needed most, to help the most. Stop crying and just do your jobs. Man, I'm tired of this union mentality. Watched four verizon guys do the job of ONE a couple of weeks ago. No wonder American jobs are leaving!

Anonymous said...

Pepco needs to learn how to manage their stuff. This is typical of them. If you live in MoCo and have pepco, you can expect to loose power for days at a time at least once a year. I'm guessing maybe the DC liberals wont let them cut down tree branches