This morning on the front page of the Daily Times Greg Bassett created an article many should seriously question. First of all, do they really apologize? The fact is, they did not. Did they ask their viewers to forgive them for doing so, absolutely not.
Considering the Daily Times allegedly claims they had a reporter who knew all the inns and outs about this alleged event, why didn't they name the reporter? Why didn't they name the person who allegedly made the prank call? Could it be as simple as the reporter was standing with the Mayor at the time the call was made?
Did the Daily Times simply sacrifice a lamb? Think about it Ladies & Gentlemen. What good were they doing for the Mayor IF this was a so called prank call? Remember now, I'm the one who was at the receiving end of the phone call. Others were present when the call came in and immediately identified the voice saying, "that's Jim Ireton". I won't state what they said after that because it simply wasn't favorable to Mayor Ireton.
The Daily Times never once made contact with me in reference to this article. Nor has the Chief of Police called me to let me know of their alleged findings that have NOT been published in the Daily Times, how convenient. More importantly, there's been word all over the Internet that someone has a recording of this phone call. THAT IS ILLEGAL. Notice how there's NO mention of that recording in their article. Not that I personally care, I was very kind to the Mayor on the phone and welcomed the call with open arms.
Nevertheless, the Daily Times goes on and on about how they are held to a higher standard in today's article. REALLY? That would mean they would make contact with ME and get the other side of the story.
Greg Bassett's article stinks to high heaven. I personally feel the Daily Times knows the impact Joe Albero can play in the upcoming election. What will they do if a Blogger gets elected and THEY may no longer have access to the Mayor's Office?
The very first thing I heard this morning was, WHAT, this made front page news! I have heard that at least 7 times already this morning. Someone sent in a comment earlier stating the Mayor should sue me for everything I have for publishing our original article. REALLY? The Mayor calls me, I provide clear evidence that he did so and you feel the Mayor can sue me for publishing the truth. I want all of you to know that I ran into Mayor Ireton (one on one) the other day in the GOB. He never said hello, he never brought the subject up. I've known Jim Ireton for many years now and Jim would never have a problem saying, what the heck happened with that phone call the other day Joe, it wasn't me. Jim put his head down and walked right past me, never saying a word.
Mr. Bassett, when "I" apologize to anyone I say, I'm sorry, can you please forgive me. THAT is an apology Mr. Bassett. Not excuses and we should know better. As for Chief Duncan, where are the charges for the alleged person making the alleged call? Where are the charges for the illegal recording of the alleged phone call? The Daily Times delivered a very poor article this morning and I personally believe this is the final nail in their coffin. They are desperate to stay afloat with ANY Mayor other than Joe Albero and that's all there is to it.
I will provide a link to another article written about this. I think it spells the situation, (competition wise) out a whole lot better. It also shares their distribution numbers the Daily Times refuses to publish and quite frankly we kick their butt. HERE
New Posts to fall below.
Come on Basset-you can do better than this! I do belive he is lying.
I guess it was Lake who was more or less fired. I've warned her several times though this blog that she was risking her integrity working for such an unethical news outlet though she herself was deceptive at tlmes. Basset probably saw that deception and that's why they hired her-to do their dirty work and when they needed this "excuse" they fired her knowing she was becomming a time bomb.
I think it a ploy for paper sales since its not online
Ireton is not being truthful.
I just canceled my paper. I know your going to win this election Joe with or without the daily rag.
Joe the link is not to Gannett it is a blog about Gannett Co. Look at the top of the blog page.
i cancelled my sub to that rag a while ago.
i just resubscribed, just so i could cancel it again
DT make me want to vomit
It was online this morning. But now it is gone. Go to their site and click on the MOST POPULAR tab the title might still be there but the story is gone.
Wow, so shouldn't this be on DelmarvaNow.com?
Mayor Ireton is without a doubt a liar. He denied a serious conversation I had with him a few months back...completely denied it ever happened. He is child-like and immature. I would not be surprised if he had immature friends who would pull a prank like this..of course a "friend" wouldn't do this to him, right? It's a toss up to me.
To paraphrase "Animal House," fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life, Sarah Lake.
Do we know which reporter is gone?
They either put it back up....or this is another way to see the story....http://www.delmarvanow.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2012206200374
Could it have been a set up the whole time? A reporter there with Ireton while he make's the call to record the convo? Then when it did not turn out to be the story they wanted....they just played it off.
Sarah Lake was the reporter, and she didn't resign. She was fired.
I'm confused. Was it the Mayor that called or not? If not should someone be charged with impersonating him?
The article states that the reporter was not a participant but had knowledge of the prank.
The article leaves many holes in the "whole story". They don't address "who" made the phone call from Mayor Iretons phone (we know it came from the Mayor's phone because Joe shows a picture of the call being received and where it was coming from). How did this person get the Mayor's phone? Was the Mayor involved?
Joe, you need to press the Chief of Police to get a copy of the report that was generated from this investigation. Then and only then will we get the "whole story".
Good Luck
And then people get offended when you talk about how sickening America is on here. This is why. Media cover up plain and simple. This place has long been gone to the wolves and if you do not like hearing that then too bad it is the truth.
As far as I know the anti-spoofing act only covers "knowingly transmit[ing] misleading or inaccurate caller identification information with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongfully obtain anything of value."
The intent is obviously a gray area open to interpretation, the finer points of which I think only Chief Duncan can explain.
BUT either the mayor's phone was used for the "prank" or it wasn't.
anonymous 11:51, I'll repeat, I was at the receiving end of a 7 minute and 38 second phone call with a person I have known for many years. I will add, the people present who could hear the conversation immediately stated that was Jim Ireton.
Basset is either a liar, a fool or delusional. If he thinks for one second anyone believes this garbage he wrote than he is sadly mistaken.
Watching the DT's staff wallow in their lies is quite amusing though.
Pocomoke had a recent run in with it's Mayor and 'wiretapping." The Mayor was recorded outside of the town hall without his knowledge and he pressed charges and there was an investigation into a, get this, local blogger. This is serious business and if true Ireton could face a trial.
If a Daily Times reporter knew about the illegal phone recording, Joe you should file suit against Ireton, Lake and the Daily Times. They try their best to stick it to you all the time, just go ahead and stick it to them and get it over with and bring the truth to light.
We citizens have had enough of these childish games by people that feed off of our tax dollars, and or purposely mis-inform the public.
They only fired Lake to try and protect themselves from a law suit when it was a running joke there until someone decided they were open to a law suit.
WTH!!! You have this city running so scared!
This proves to me, beyond any doubt, that the local paper and mayor are involved in a cover up. As tax paying citizens we deserve better, i'm so sick of this type of behavior its not funny. I demand better representation from our elected officials and out local media.
Maybe the ACLU needs to get involved, this is fraud from either...
A) The Mayor or
B) The Daily Times
I bet my life is was not Ireton but someone to make Joe look passionate.
Mr. Bassett is an outstanding citizen , he is a pillar to the church and a boom to the community , a paragon of virtue.
If you believe this crap , then you can believe the daily times.
Bassett is a worthless pile of steaming dog poo!
Not that I can even stand the sight of ireton , but there are apps on smart phones that can make another number appear in place of the actual one calling.
sounds like the DT is invoking the executive privilege. Seems to be going around these days.
No Apps that you can specifially pick the number you are calling from.
Yes Virginia there is no Santa Clause, and yes Joe,it was definately Jim.
No Apps that you can specifially pick the number you are calling from.
June 20, 2012 2:24 PM
Or disguise your voice to sound just like Jimmie with a snoot full.
Jim, Drunk again. He should resign, if he doesn't he absolutely has no dignity at all.
Ranger 3325 is right. I'm not saying I don't believe it was him but there are apps that allow you to call someone's phone and it will show up as someone else. You can specifically pick the person if you both have that person in your contact list. If mary and I are friends with rachel, I can use my app to call mary and make rachels name and number appear and pretend to be her. I believe Joe's story, I'm just saying seeing Jim's name and number alone does not prove it was him. Welcome to the advanced world of technology.
"Anonymous said...
Could it have been a set up the whole time? A reporter there with Ireton while he make's the call to record the convo? Then when it did not turn out to be the story they wanted....they just played it off.
June 20, 2012 11:24 AM"
I think this may be the case. A couple of drunks out "to get" Joe and it backfired. We know one drunk was Ireton. I guess the other was Lake who I've warned time and time again through this blog to get out of the DT's cess pool.
Same old crap. They never mentioned your intent to run for mayor and they never stated your website name or address. Yet he wants to persuade people that they will follow their protocol for journalism. Does he really think we are that stupid.
This is great, I love the way he just makes you sound like some nobody blogger.
Joe does not have a smart phone from what this picture shows so not sure if the apps would even work, also I have never seen an App that allows you to pick a specific number that you are calling from.
@ 4:08 There are apps that will let you do just that... pick the number you want to display as the caller ID number. In fact, if someone was also able to do a convincing impression of Ireton (especially pretending to be highly intoxicated)... this very well could be pulled off.
You have to ask yourself what is more likely? Someone making a prank call, knowing that Joe would be more than eager to run with the ball causing him embarrassment... or the Mayor actually getting drunk and making the call.
There was no imposter! This was Ireton and Lake out on a bender and called Joe. Now either Bassett is too dumb to realize this or he is covering up for Ireton.
Greg Bassett says: "The reporter wasn't directly involved, but the reporter's involvement merited full and quick disclosure." Wrong: The reporter, Sarah Lake, was directly involved; it was her work phone on which the prank call was made. The phone was registered in the local news editor's name, Joe Carmean. This is why the police went to the Daily Times to investigate.
So let me get this staight DT as per your 6 ethics points. you will no longer foster corrupt politicians, print lies, steal material particiapte in double speak and of course stoop to schoolyard antics any longer!!IN YOUR PAPER!! WOW great news. So this means your going out of bussiness!!!!YEh ah. Your contributors, editroials, online comments, articles and of course your dirty corrupt reporters and obvious bias reporting days are doomed.
Was it the lovely Ms. Piggy named Sara Lake?
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