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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Douse The Flames, Mr. President!

Barack Obama's statement that the death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy that cries out for a more thorough investigation was the right and necessary thing to say.

But it fell far short of what was needed: a presidential call for a halt to the rhetoric that is stirring up racial rage and inflaming the nation. The incendiary language being deployed is both divisive and dangerous.

Addressing the Sanford, Fla., incident, Black Muslim Minister Louis Farrakhan tweeted: "Where there is no justice, there will be no peace. Soon, and very soon, the law of retaliation may ... be applied."

The New Black Panther Party has issued a "Wanted Dead or Alive" poster featuring the face of George Zimmerman, the man who shot Martin, and printed up a flier saying Martin was "murdered in cold blood."

When Panther leader Mikhail Muhammad was asked if this could ignite an explosive situation that has already seen death threats drive Zimmerman and his father from their homes, Muhammad cursed and said Zimmerman "should be fearful for his life."

Demanding "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," the Black Panther leader offered $10,000 for Zimmerman's capture and called for 5,000 black men to run him down.



Anonymous said...

Did this kid live in this gated community? If he didn't, it's another example of how he 'disrespected' not only the rules but the laws in which we live by.
When you start 'disrepecting' rules and laws, there are consequences, some not always good. This behaviour is what has gotten 99% of the young black men murdered in this country-most often by one of their 'brothers.'

I feel sorry for Martin. I feel sorry that he was starting to engage in a lifestyle that was inevitably going to become his downfall. In this instance it happened sooner than later.

Anonymous said...

6:59 I don't think it is going to matter. It has been turned into a racila issue even by our own president. it is a sad state of affairs. And only because the person shot was black. I am sorry for the family but if he really attacked this man as stated by witnesses then he got his just deserve.

Anonymous said...

He didn't have to live there. He was a visitor and had a right to be there.

Unfortunately there will never be two sides to this as one side was murdered outright.

Anonymous said...

"He was a visitor?"
You must let the media know that 8:18 because they have been totally ignoring the fact that he was in this gated community.
It's doubtful even his family knew he was a visitor to the community otherwise they wouldn't be hiding the fact that he was trespassing into this gate community.
You are the only one who knows this. You better let the authorities know also.

Anonymous said...

Murdered outright 8:18? Okay if that's what you want to call it.
Anyone who is beating the heck out of someone deserves to be murdered.
Violence begets violence.

Anonymous said...

His father's girlfriend lived there and he was visiting. He had every right to be there.

Anonymous said...

The father's girlfriend lived in the gated community? All that has been reported is that she lived in Sanford, FL and Martin was walking back to her house. It's doesn't say she lived in that community.
That's the problem. No one comprehends what they read and adds in things that aren't there, like the girlfriend lived in the community when in fact the reports are he was walking back to her house.

Anonymous said...

He had every right to be there. He had every right to assault Mr. Zimmerman for no reason. He had every right to die from an assault he instigated on a man in retreat with a gun.