Many children are suffering at the cost of their parents, Tommy and Jennifer Foxwell. I have personally been involved numerous times in helping Jennifer Foxwell, as well as my friends. I have watched her beg, borrow and whatever to find a place to live, only to find out she never pays rent and other bills and ultimately, (because people feel sorry for her) far too often she gets away with using Sarah's death to her advantage.
That being said, Tommy Foxwell and Jennifer Foxwell have not been visiting their children, all of which I personally feel is not healthy. Consistency is extremely important to children and because one/both parent /'s don't pay child support it makes it even worse. BOTH parents aren't fit to have visitation. Tommy Foxwell was told he could no longer see his children after showing up allegedly intoxicated.
As many of you know, I traveled back and forth to almost every trial hearing in the Thomas Leggs case. I heard things NONE of you heard. There's quite a bit of information that came from this case many of your local officials do NOT want out to the public, nor does the Family. It could make several elected officials look pretty damn bad if the actual TRUTH got out there. Mind you, I understand and respect their positions, hence my remaining quiet all this time. Many have asked me to write a book and that day may come, we'll see. I know at least on a local level it would be a Best Seller.
Nevertheless, people are stating that in the most recent arrest that Jennifer Foxwell called the States Attorney's Office to get her Bond reduced from $25,000.00 down to $5,000.00. Come on now, that's complete BS!
The Wicomico County States Attorney's Office wouldn't touch a case involving Jennifer Foxwell no matter what the circumstances are. A special prosecutor would be brought in because of the Leggs case. Use your heads.
My advice to each and every one of you for the future is, STOP HELPING TOMMY AND JENNIFER FOXWELL. They have taken advantage of Sarah's unfortunate death to the max. Between individuals, church's and corporate help, it's time these individuals face life head on, on their own. Trust me, if you only knew how much money and gifts that have been provided so far you'd be blown away. Let's not forget all of the money lost because Jennifer didn't pay rent.
Take note, the Police Report stated Jennifer Foxwell not only physically assaulted her Daughter, it also stated that in doing so she allegedly struck her daughter's 4 month old child in the head as the daughter was holding the baby when the alleged assault occurred. Didn't this young lady just have another baby not that long ago?
Jennifer Foxwell is out of control. Her former rants on Facebook time and time again in which she implied she was going to take her own life has been enough to give local law enforcement grey hairs. Don't you think enough doors have had to be forced open due to this woman. Have not enough children suffered under her abuse? Jennifer Foxwell needs to face a neutral Judge who knows nothing of Sarah Foxwell and face sentencing as an unfit mother and out of control adult.
ANY Parent who refuses to pay child support should have the driver's licence taken away, period. SOMEONE has to provide for those children and I'm sorry, I couldn't care less about any parent who makes excuses as to why they cannot provide. Again, I don't give a crap what the excuse is. You have children, YOU take care of them, period. Tommy and Jennifer Foxwell are dredges on society and burdens on those who are caring for their children.
When do we as a community say, enough is enough?
Remember little Shamir Hudson who was beaten to death by his adoptive mother? He and siblings had been taken from their bio-mom who was unfit. But at the little guy's funeral, bio-mom Jackie Nelson shows up on the front page of the DT hugging a teddy bear. They are all in it for themselves.
We know the grandmother is crazy. Jennifer is not far behind her now we have yet another one that is 19 and has 2 kids. No child should have to put up with parents like this. I have to wonder if it's better that the mother and father stay as far away as possible. The entire family has become a drain on society.
I would say that she is most probably suffering from a mental disorder and needs to be in some sort of facility.
This woman needs to grow up and stop being so selfish...she couldn't have really cared that Sarah was taken and harmed for her to go thru all of the money and anything else she might of received and NOT pay rent while she's still giving children away...where's your head are such trash...just trash...some kind of mother you are...maybe you did do the right thing by giving your kids away...only god knows they are better off NOT HAVING YOU as a mother...TRASH is what you are!!
thanks joe i have been trying to get all this across!!!!!! nobody would listen to me........
another prime example of the need to have a license or permit to breed.
Let's not forget why the grandmother was so pissed off at Joe. Money was being raised and they agreed to put it in a trust fund for college for Sarah's siblings. The grandmother wanted that cash and refused to create the trust fund. Joe published how the grandmother wouldn't do it and they were forced to create the account. That's why she was so mad. The whole family is messed up.
The Grandmother is a nut case herself.
What a family! They put the "dys" in dysfunctional.
Is Tom McGuire related to this family? I see many similarities....
WHERE IN THE "HELL" is the Child Abuse Registry at ?????????????
We have what they call a VERY successful sex offender registry..SO where is the Child Abuse Registry at so we can keep a eye on these animals ??? While we are at it we need a SPOUSAL ABUSE registry too. STOP ALL FORMS OF ABUSE and make a registry for all types of abuse crimes.
This is why a law should be made about unfit mothers ans getting their tubes tied or something. When a woman has to many kids and is unfit... the court should order her sterile.
Sarah Foxwell was my best friend growing up, although she lived in Salisbury MD and I lived in princess Anne MD I would always visit her while I was at my cousins. I wish I could've been there to stop this from happening. R.I.P Sarah I will always remember & love you. That k you for being my friend. I honestly feel bad cause I was also one of the last ppl to talk to Sarah. I remember playing with her and when I had to leave with my grandmother Sarah told me that she'll see me tomorrow but I didn't know that there wasn't going or be a tomorrow with her. I truly miss her. I never knew her aunt was dating Leggs cause I'd always see him and he would always speak to Sarah, my cousin and I all and he'd be so nice. But I thought wrong I just want my best friend back I just wanna spend one more day with her to tell her how sorry I was for not coming that next day because I was sick. When I heard this on the news I cried for months. Anyway sarah is way older than me I was always her best friend . Her mother never came around because I was always there. She never spoke about her mom or dad. I'm so, so, very sorry I didn't come to the funeral, funerals make me depressed more tan usual considering I suffer from anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts and self-harm. I just want my Christmas angel Sarah to come back. I love you & miss you so much Sarah! ~Arion (aka Annie)
I'm so sorry for your loss Annie. Live the rest of your days for both of you. She was robbed of her life. She absolutely didnt deserve this. She sounds like the kind of friend who wouldnt want you to hurt yourself, hold yourself back, or waste the precious time you have here worrying about her. As awful and cliche as this sounds, she is in a better place. She's also with you in your heart. When your sad, lonely, or anxious, she's that voice that tells you everything is going to be fine. She'll always be with you! Live the rest of your life in happiness, love, and hope. Share your wonderful experiences with her. Don't let that monster win! He'll be looking over his shoulder confined to the toilet they call a cell. AND he still has hell to look forward to.
Big hugs and best wishes. Xoxo
Bless those children and the entire Foxwell family.May u all find peace and love in the light with Sarah.
The parents and aunt are scum and should be arrested for child neglect and face charges for the death of their child. Despicable people.
He was stabbed in prison a few years after this happened, and had to be transferred to a prison far away from my understanding. You can google his name and it'll come up. I'm sure he's sitting in protective custody. I wish they would let him out of pc and let the prisoners do what they want to him!! He deserves to be raped repeatedly and tortured for all he did to that sweet little girl!
Annie sorry for your loss. You have a beautiful angel in Heaven looking out for you!
I really appreciate you being a great best friend to my God sister.
I worked with Jennifer while all of this was going on. She is definitely a piece of trash. She had multiple kids that she didn't take care of and was a certified drug addict. She took advantage of the help and assistance offered to her. The worst part is that she got pregnant not too long afterwards. Everyone said I was wrong for calling her trash and selfish. She is attention seeking drug addict whore. Who honestly didn't care about Sarah or her other kids. She just took advantage of the situation. I'm just happy to now know that I wasn't wrong for thinking and feeling the way I did
Is there anyway we can find out and remember where he is being stored so the locals and word can follow him wherever he goes. Mfker can run but he can't hide. Always hid behind the law a bastard. One of his po s tried to violate him and he hid behind Delaware and faking good behavior to hunt and kill. Hope he dies a slow death. I will never forget
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