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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Occupy Wall Street Returns To Zuccotti Park

NEW YORK - Barricades surrounding a park that served as a camp for Occupy Wall Street protesters were removed Tuesday, allowing protesters to stream back in.
The atmosphere was celebratory but calm on Tuesday evening as about 300 protesters began filling New York City's Zuccotti Park a couple of hours after the barricades were taken down and a day after a complaint about the barricades was filed with the city. Protesters milled around, eating lasagna on paper plates and playing chess.


Anonymous said...

These losers have become a bad joke.

Anonymous said...

What have you done for this country lately?

Anonymous said...

Wonder what the loser in DC is going to do? He left a 13 month old baby alone, in a tent, in the cold today. He was reported,and arrested and the child taken from him. What idiots these people are!

Anonymous said...

Why did he leave the baby and for how long?