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Wednesday, January 04, 2012


Well, now the MSM can tell us that Iowa matters. When the early returns showed Ron Paul ahead, the talking heads were preparing their best “Iowa doesn’t matter” talking points to spew at the sheep. The GOP establishment is still firmly in control. If Romney wins New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida in the next month, the game will be over. The monied interests on Wall Street want one of their own to provide the pretend battle with Obama. They don’t care who wins either way. Their policies overlap on 90% of the issues. The public will be distracted with minutia like gay marriage, fear of Muslims and the imminent threat of Iran destroying America.

One look at who voted in the Iowa caucuses reveals why Ron Paul did not win. CNN’s exit poll shows why Ron Paul lost – not enough young voters or women voters who care about sending their sons to fight in the Middle East. Ron Paul overwhelmingly won the 17 to 39 year old vote. One problem. They only accounted for 25% of the voters. Baby Boomers made up 60% of the voters. They like the status quo. They’ve made their money and they want to keep their entitlements. They still want the delusion to continue. The two emotions that drive their actions are greed and fear. They do not care about the younger generations being left with the $100 trillion entitlement bill, as long as they get their Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. They want the promises kept. They also are easily manipulated by the MSM and government into thinking interventionism around the world actually makes America safer.


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