Everyone knows that children are easily influenced. Perhaps this is why the government has been so aggressive at "training" kids to walk in lockstep through the school system. But it seems that "Tonka" is helping to keep that ball rolling. While in Toys "R" Us just before Christmas, I saw this Tonka truck (picture below). I immediately began to think about the new S1867 bill and the National Gaurd troops patrolling New Orleans and those soon to be deployed in Camden, N.J. I thought....."I am shocked to hear of these things - but will my grandson be shocked?" Will my grandson and other kids his age be shocked to see the military policing the streets or police check points everywhere checking our "papers". If we keep giving them these types of toys, won't our kids grow up learning that police check points are just a normal part of life? They won't even know what a 4th amendment right is!! It will have been stripped from them long before they even knew they once had it!
Take a good look at this picture and decide if you would be willing to give this to your child or grandchild.
The question I have is, Isn't this what people are trying to do by letting our society create soooooo many laws? Isn't this what Salisbury want? Hell seems like it with all the things that people want protection from. Which in the end will create a police state. So in fact Joe, YES this will be the norm for our children to grow up with.
What the box should say is:
"Pleeze show me your papiers. You may not pass vithout your papiers."
Is this for real or is this photo shopped? If this is real we should all be very scared. I don't think a toy manufacturer as big as Tonka would produce something that controversial. But it is a good article anyway. The government does indoctrinate our kids at an early age. And yes, our kids will grow up knowing less freedoms due to an ever increasing government. But don't worry. It won't be long before we have a civil war and all of this will be history.
I can't remember which ruthless, murdering dictator said it (Stalin? Mao?), but it was along the lines of "Get to the children. Get them young and they can be made to say and think whatever you wish". And now we have ALL the Republican candidates (except Ron Paul) saying they would STRENGHTEN the Patriot Act. And proposing a "national ID card", too. Calmly authorizing national "checkpoints". Advocating the "detention" of American citizens WITHOUT charging them with a crime. Is the picture getting any clearer for you ace-kissing "good citizens" who would shoot your neighbors kid if the government said it was "for our own good"? 6:41 is right. Civil war, or military coup, or revolution is coming. soon. It is an historical INEVITABILITY.
. Civil war, or military coup, or revolution is coming. soon. It is an historical INEVITABILITY.
December 28, 2011 8:20 PM
And don't forget, when that time comes, the police will be your enemy.
They will be the first called to quell any uprising. Then the national guard. Then the regular armies.
You will not be fighting civilians with pitchforks. But trained killers with modern weapons and the governments blessing.
Your only allies will be like-minded individuals.
Will you be able to kill ones who you drank beer with, partied with, gone to weddings with?
I think a revolt is coming too. It is the only answer to ending the madness that has been entrenched in this country and society.
It IS coming. When, I'm not sure. But it has been foretold a long time ago.
In a way I look forward to it and welcome it. I know that after this event takes place, everything will be much, much better. Perfect even.
This is def. a real toy, my son got one for Christmas..I thought it was funny, and little odd for a childs toy though
I'm afraid the previous posters are on the mark, and I'm not happy with this, but must go along and support it. Dammit, I wish diplomacy had worked. It's not long in coming when we may have to act out....
10:00 don't let your child become programmed to accept this as a norm. Teach them the true meaning of liberty and freedom.
We must all Support the resistance movement. Remember. No one can do everything but everyone can do something. Support the resistance movement.
children are programmed to be democrats. then they grow up and realize the truth and come back to republicans. usually the transformation comes after college and after theyve been in the work force for a couple years.
8:59....Don't forget we millions of prior service men and women who are ALSO trained killers. And they are MUCH nbetter trained on assualt, advancing, and overtaking an enemy than the police, who are used to showing up to fight one guy with 20-40 cops. And I would present your question in a different light. Is the National Guard (our neighbors and friends) going to open up a .50 caliber on us? I know a few national guard guys. They are of the mind that when the crap hits the fan, the armory is going to be open for all. And it would take a while to mobilize the military, who also aren't exactly willing to kill their fellow Americans. This is what the government know and fears. Assemble ALL the police, National Guard, and military. They are STILL outnumbered (by FAR) by the armed civilians and former military.
9:05 AM
I hope you are right but history has shown that it can happen. Propaganda can be a powerful tool.
We might outnumber them but how many bombers and tanks does the average citizen own?
They have weapons and planes that don't need a person to operate.
You have to plan for every possibility or failure ensues.
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