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Monday, December 05, 2011

Gas Pump Programmed To Say "An American Company. No Terrorist Gas!!!"

Tempers in the country are running hot, so much so that at least one gas station owner has turned the LCD screen on his pumps into a medium of personal expression. In a Consumerist exclusive, one of our readers found a gas pump programmed to say, "AN AMERICAN COMPANY. NO TERRORIST GAS!!!" at his local Valero gas station.

Reached for comment, a Valero spokesman said, "The site in question is not owned or controlled by Valero Energy Corporation. It's an independently owned store that contracts with Valero to supply it fuel. However, Valero has been in contact with the store's owner, and we have been notified that the message on the fuel dispensers has been removed."

"Needless to say," our reader wrote when he sent the picture in, "I didn't buy gas here."



Anonymous said...

Hope they sent him an official "dunce" hat too. Apparently he has zero clue as to how crude oil is turned into gas and delivered to his station.

Anonymous said...

I thought Valero owned the getty refinery in Delaware?

Anonymous said...

Valero is Vennezualla Gas.
I don't buy stuff from them!

Anonymous said...

If you buy gasoline 7:16, then you buy product from Venezuela. The para military country of venezuela (i.e. Hugo Chavez) has been selling crude petrolieum to every major oil company since the mid 20thC. Every major oil company has and still does buy crude product to refine in the terminals they use from Maracaibo, Venezuela. Much of the crude product is transported to a refinery in Puerto Rica built in 1971 where its refined and transported by every major oil companies tankers all over the world including the U.S. All refineries close to the pipe line feed into it and pull from it as needed. When you pull up to a gas pump, regardless of who's brand name is on it, you're buying from every countries oil reserves. Some have additives, but mostly your buying a bill of goods, just like the logo on any trade name brand. Chavez is the dictator the major oil companies want in there today. When he no longer serves their needs there will be a new one. Oil is money, no one person or country controls or can stand in the way of it. Buy the cheapest, it's all the same, basically.