410-749-RING is the number to call to offer your services. Giving your time for an hour or two is an extremely rewarding experience and ALL of the money raised here stays on the Shore.
With so many people in need this year, please consider making that call to see what locations they have available for your convenience. It was quiet when I went out to the parking lot and I didn't hear any bells ringing at WalMart either.
Thank You, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas.
New Posts to fall below.
I've signed up to ring the bell and I hope everyone reading this does the same. Our community does indeed need the help!
Jim, Mike and Steve can run this without you horning in.
" Anonymous said...
Jim, Mike and Steve can run this without you horning in."
Yeah, we can really see that (eyes rolling) 6:56.
If Jim, Mike and Steve can run this why was this stand leaning up against the wall with no one attending to it? They are handling it real well looks like to me. Call and put a bell in your hand 6:56 and do your part.
This year the need is bigger than ever! Please give and God bless all of you!
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