Today, Governor O'Malley wrote a letter referencing this exact topic stating it was an injustice this group represent Waterkeepers Alliance and it was a misuse of state resources.
Here's what you WON'T hear from the MSM on this topic, unless and until they copy our story.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars are flying in from Farm Bureau's in other states supporting this injustice and ridiculous lawsuit. One Farm Bureau from Oregon sent in $10,000.00. Another state sent in $2,000.00, the money is coming from everywhere and I think O'Malley saw he could no longer allow this lawsuit to continue.
Governor O'Malley stated the U of MD Environmental Law Clinic should have been representing Alan and Kristen Hudson and NOT Watershed. Funny thing is, it took O'Malley almost 2 years to spit that out.
Nevertheless, we are finally headed in the right direction with this horrible situation and the proper support is under way. Salisbury News is proud to have brought this to our legislators attention very early on and challenge them.
O'Malley's letter stated, "With vigor and determination our clinics should represent those who cannot afford representation. And in this case, it seems that this purpose would have been better served by the Clinic representing the Hudsons."
Hopefully the Dean takes O'Malley seriously and drops the case. The Watershed Alliance was charging that the Hudsons were illegally polluting the Pocomoke River. Of course the Hudson's have denied such charges from the very beginning.
Salisbury News would like to thank ALL of the Farm Bureaus across America for offering their support in such a ridiculous case. As many of you know, Farming isn't the most profitable business to be in and getting slapped with a bogus lawsuit and finding the funds to fight big government is just about impossible. Because of the Brotherhood of Farmers, the Hudsons and the Farm Bureaus put the fear of God in O'Malley's political future and with the right kind of luck with shut this case down once and for all.
That $10,000 was Arkansas
thanks for bringing this to our attention. where can donations be sent?
anonymous 6:45, That's a great question. I know one of our anonymous followers will help answer that question.
For more information on the case or to contribute to the legal defense fund, please visit: www.savefarmfamilies.org
Thank you for your continued support of the Hudson's.
Donate by Mail
Make checks payable to:
Maryland Family Farmers Legal Defense Fund, Inc.
Farmers Bank of Willards
Attn: Maryland Family Farmers Legal Defense Fund, Inc.
P.O. Box 10
Willards, MD 21874
The waterkeepers alliance bit off a lot more than they can chew this time.
Check out: www.savefarmfamilies.org
do not trust the governor on this one.
Any time you shut O'Malley down is a good thing.
O'Malley wants something in return. Maybe support for the increase septic tax.
Exactly what I think 8:04.
In the spring I ran off some people who were taking water samples from a ditch across the street from my property. They waited until the farmers had spread chicken crap and then were running around taking water samples. When I spoke to several of my neighbors they stated that they do this every spring. No one ever sees them taking water samples any other time other than in the spring. These people will stop at nothing. As far as O'Malley, I don't believe a word he says.
This is why we need a system similar to some countries in Europe where the plaintiff has to pay ALL of the bills when they bring garbage lawsuits. But then we will never see TORT reform
Omalley already has the votes to triple the septic tax but I fear he is positioning himself to replace Biden as vp.
Where is all the tons and tons of chicken manure generated on the shore going anyway? I think I read somewhere they are turning it into some kind of energy.
Perdue should apply for some of Obama's stimulus money to create Perdue Energy after all wouldn't turning chicken manure into energy fall under not only "green jobs" but also "shovel-ready jobs?" Then they could buy back not only the chickens but also the manure from the farmers and jobs would be created at the energy plant and everyone would be happy including the environmentalists.
I would have faith in Perdue actually coming up with a productive and intended use of stimulus money as opposed to alot of these fly by night companies that have been receiving it.
Government could build a power plant in each county that would run off chicken manure and trash with the money wasted on non-essential things.
The Water Keepers Alliance? They have many sympathizers right here in Salisbury. All are local Democrats. Do I need to name names?? Check the DCC, check the city council, check the nutjob faculty as SU. When will the farming community and anyone connected with ag in any way realize that Maryland's Democratic party is an ENEMY of Agriculture?
I just read some snippets from the Dean of the law schools response to O'Malley's letter and on second thought he should have just kept his mouth shut on all of this. Could this cause some type of reason for a change of venue? To maybe like a more libel court? I seem to remember O'Malley hobnobbing with the Kennedy's and isn't Waterkeepers one of Bobby Kennedy Jr's babies?
Probably some kind of trick he's got going. I don't know if we should be trusting the O'Malley bloke.
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