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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Shoe Is Now On The Other Foot In Salisbury Politics

Do you have any idea just how much fun I could have putting up picture after picture of situations in which we saw 3 to 2 or even 4 to 1 votes on all sorts of questionable and challenging votes in the City of Salisbury in years past.

Today the tables have turned and I have to be completely honest with you, it's enjoyable to see these positive changes. I watched the SAPOA people sitting in the back of the room last night and every time there was a vote they all huddled together and started laughing over the 3 to 2 votes.

Even Muir Boda was sitting there with them laughing away as if this was a joke.

Laura Mitchell used words like, haste, disgust, this strips the mayor of power and even went on to suggest the work session was underhanded. Council President Cohen really smacked Mitchell in the face, (very politely, mind you) by clearly stating they had a choice of a morning meeting or an afternoon meeting and Mrs. Mitchell chose the morning meeting, yet bitched about it last night, saying it was an inconvenience for her. Mitchell went on to say "we're endangering separation of power". Good Lord, who fed her that line of crap!

Shanie stated she has never had a problem getting information from the City Attorney in 6 years. I GUESS NOT, Shanie was part of the Dream Team and could have access to inside information not afforded to other Council Members for years. She said, "I've always had a good working relationship" and that's what you have to have. So Shanie, I guess if you're NOT in the click, you still expect others OUTSIDE the click to have a "good working relationship" and its their fault if they don't. Very interesting.

The move made last night doesn't take power away from the Mayor, not one bit, not one ounce. The move simply places the COUNCIL full access to all information, the way it should be. So don't be fooled by any one's statements suggesting anything different.

For those of you who are awaiting the next slick move, THERE ARE NONE. Paranoia has set in for a select few, especially SAPOA. Kris Adams, (President of SAPOA) is digging her hole deeper and deeper as a spokesperson for the rental industry. Might I suggest she step away from ANY public comments claiming she's not there as the President of SAPOA. Come on Kris, who do you think your fooling. Now I know where the Adams Family comes up with the titles, "The Other Salisbury News, The Other Kris Adams". It's ALL coming together now.


Anonymous said...

That pic of Marvelous Mikey Dunn and the two Boyz from Baltimore who scammed the City on the old mall for millions of bucks is classic.

Salisbury really is an "ALL-American" City for such things.

Anonymous said...

Waiting for dinner to finish cooking and decided to check in to good old Salisbury News.

I caught Monday's meeting on PAC14.

One thing you forgot to mention is Terry Cohen has treated what appears to be the forming of the new council majority with a lot more respect than she or Debbie Campbell was ever treated. A lot more respect than Shields or Mitchell gives her as a matter of fact.

Mitchell is a huge disappointment, like her mentor, Jim Ireton. Guess it's okay not to have a separation of power if it works in Ireton's favor. Funny that the landlords are supporting Mitchell and Ireton on this. Why is that, Joe?

Anonymous said...

Mitchell has always been SAPOA's girl as far as I can see. I predicted this before the election. Maybe Ireton knew, maybe not. She could be his "Louweasel." So who will beat the path to city hall to get the petition started - Adams, Boda, Mitchell, Shields? How many signers can SAPOA and Mitchell's SU connections bring out? We'll find out who really owns Salisbury in the next month or so.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Terry Cohen!

Anonymous said...

Nice flitting of the wrist in the first pic. He looks as if he's saying, "Oh STOP Miss Thing, you're FIERCE!"

Anonymous said...

I think 5:45 meant the forming of a new council MINORITY but we got the idea.

Chalk it up to the smell of home cookin' I guess, LOL!

Anonymous said...

Joe, I too paid attention when the Adams woman spoke. She mentioned those input meeting Cohen Campbell held, how this law they passed should too.

But I remember watching this lady when she had blond hair and she said after those meetings the SAPOA people didn't have input.

Which is it they did or didn't?

Just funny to hear someone like her talk out of both sides like a politician but she claim she just an average citizen.

Anonymous said...

Adams also introduced herself as "a resident." but I don't think she lives in the city. Anyone?

Anonymous said...

Hi, Joe, I read the Daily Times bias story on this issue today and also their farewell to Bob Caldwell.

In their farewell they had this which is fitting to this story about the city attorney.

"Caldwell declared in a 2009 letter to the editor that he was running for mayor to "reverse a disturbing trend in the city's government that has made it notorious. Some officials have used character assassination of opposition and secrecy in administration to govern. If that style of leadership is not removed by its roots, the result will be inevitable and tragic.""

Really wish Caldwell had been mayor. This mayor is just like the old mayor. Transparency is for everybody but him unless of course he's holding press conferences to character assassinate anyone who disagrees with him. I keep thinking about that white-haired lady who said Ireton told her to move out of the city!

We could have had a statesman as mayor. Instead we got ?

Good on this council for doing the right thing and Bob Caldwell, we will miss you like crazy.