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Sunday, September 04, 2011

Wicomico County Humane Society

Hi Joe.

It was brought to my attention this week that during hurricane Irene the humane society was closed. Funny thing Salibury City AC worked the entire weekend to help displaced animals. But they had no where to take animals. The Humane Society has again take Salisbury AC keys. The only place they could of taken pets in the storm to were Outside kennels at the humane society. I think this is horrible. Salisbury pays them to take their a animals but how fair is to save an animal from a storm and then just leave them out in the storm else where.This seems like animal cruelty to me. Even in night time emergencies they are looked out of the shelter. Keys were taken because to much bad info that they keep secret were getting out. Looks like just no one in this county cares. Seems the issues of a few weeks ago have just been swept under the rug as is usual. Will anyone ever stand up to these people. Doesn't seem like it. Someone needs to open another facility may be a little competition will get them doing the right thing. On another subject didnt I read in the paper that Linda Lugo had stepped down from the director spot. Funny to me she is still in charge there and WBOC still announces her as executive director and this summer this is how Linda addresses herself at local schools when she speaks there. Was this a ploy just to make the public think she was gone. They also have made no effort to find a new director. It has been almost a year now but she is still there giving orders.


Anonymous said...

Throw the bums out of the civic center and put the animals their during a storm.

Anonymous said...

I know they had some animals at the Civic Center. I remember reading a letter from Rick Pollitt and it praised Linda Lugo for taking care of the animals at the Civic Center. Wouldn't someone have to come into the Humane Society and take care of the animals that were already there? Someone from the Humane Society should have to be on call in the event of emergencies.

Anonymous said...

I may be wrong, but wasn't the HS taking care of the animals brought to the shelters? There is a long time feud between city AC and the HS. The only one getting hurt in this petty fight are the animals.

Anonymous said...

The Board of Directors of the Humane Society should inform the public about what is going on. Why are they so silent? Unless they agree with all the bad things being said, they should take the time to write something and send it to the TV stations and newspaper and blogs. Lots of us wonder what is taking them so long to respond. How many members of the Board would it take to write one good letter?

Anonymous said...


Guilty as charged, whoops, no charges yet. Let's get moving on this Salisbury & Wicomico County people!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe the board of directors for the humane society need a PIO like Mr. Pollit. lol This county does not have a 'Humane Society" they have a group who's policy is capture and kill. The policy for adoptions changes from person to person and is dependent upon how the staff 'feel' at the time. If they 'feel' they don't like you then no adoption for you!

Anonymous said...

Really! Ms Lugo should have had the Humane Society open & ready & willing to take in the animals!!!

Where was she?---Instead , she was at the Civic Center boosting her already "inflated ego" --- supposedly helping the animals the owners had brought in with them? Linda, these animals had their responsible owners----the ones that needed the help were out there to "brave it alone"

Disgusting Mess , this Humane Society---and "The Board" are the ones responsible for peoples complaints( which Have to Go Through The Humane Society First people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Plus --- Our Tax Payers Money is Still Going Out To these disfunctional people!!

Rick Pollitt & "The Board" when are you going to stand up---announce an open meeting for the people, the "Board" & yourself for the people of this County to let them know what is going to be done about this lack of no one being responsible to the people for anything that's done out there?!!!!!!!!!!!!

I would Never , ever take a stray animal I had found there----that's as good as they want too so do something!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i know that the 4 legged animals at the civic center that weekend have alot less judgements and are alot less P.I.A. than the 2 legged animals there.

Anonymous said...

Any recent thought on you opening up an animal shelter?

Anonymous said...

get rid of bonnie gordy and c littleton that would be a great first start

Anonymous said...

i think their staff worked at the civic center. they probably didnt have enough people to man the civic center and the office. who would come out to the office and visit, adopt pets, etc during a hurricane. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

9:43, what an outrageous thing to write in calling those who sought shelter from the storm "bums." While, thankfully, I had no need to go to a facility, had I done so I would hate to have been termed a "bum." Shame on you.

Anonymous said...

You know not everyone is fortunate enough to have a family or a friend living close by---I think someone on here owes the people who went to the Civic Ctr an apology. Thank God there was someplace to go for them!!!

I "heard" that Ms Lugos friend at the HS has been appointed Director & also "heard" someone say they saw the position posted under jobs on "Craigs List."

The entire slate needs wiping clean at the HS. The County needs to take charge & be responsible ---like Big Boys should!

Anonymous said...

Linda Lugo was Executive Director. She stepped down to take the new position of Director of Development. The ED job has been posted for almost a year. I think some interviews have taken place. Who knows? The HS Board says nothing about what's going on. Why would a Board not defend its organization and it people?

Anonymous said...

I for one am glad that pets were allowed at the civic center. dont know who thought of the idea but it gave those with a pet a choice to evacuate if they had no relative or could not afford a hotel and lived in one of the flooded areas or a trailer. dont know anything about all the other comments on here but glad there was a place to go. thanks to the ones that took care of our animals and allowing us to bring them...whoever that may be,

Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me?????? The inHumane Society workers locked up the building, left and were at the civic center showing their concern for the animals people took with them during the hurricane and locked out animal control officers who were saving dogs in danger of drowning and harm???
Are you kidding me?????? Complaints to the board have to go through the inHumane society office before getting to the board od directors???
Are you kidding me?????? Is there nobody who has power over this situation that can stop this insane carnival that continues at the expense of dogs?
Are you kidding me?????? Somebody PLEASE end the contract or whatever it is that keeps the inHumane Society doors open and the supposed antisocial people still working there???
Are you kidding me?????? Seems like the inHumane Society is the only allowed to carry on with vigilante justice.

Someone has got to go to the top to get this all stopped OR open another Shelter and hire ethical people to run it.