If cannabis causes the munchies, how is possible that pot smokers are thinner than nonsmokers?
A new study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology finds an intriguing connection between marijuana use and body weight, showing that rates of obesity are lower by roughly a third in people who smoke pot at least three times a week, compared with those who don't use marijuana at all.
Researchers analyzed data from two large national surveys of the American population, which together included some 52,000 participants. In the first survey, they found that 22% of those who did not smoke marijuana were obese, compared with just 14% of the regular marijuana smokers. The second survey found that 25% of nonsmokers were obese, compared with 17% of regular cannabis users.
That's because it makes you stupid and you forget to eat.
With the price of marijuana so high , it doesn't leave room to buy much food. So I imagine anyone would lose weight.
These studies are about as accurate Obama.
That is because its a transfer of addictions.
And it doesn't kill you like phen phen or have bad side effects like gastro-bypass surgery or cost a fortune like weight watchers. It's sad how big pharma, dupont and the police/prison industrial complex have lied to the american people for bigger profits. Ron Paul 2012!!!
Why don't you all do research before you bash something that A. Grows natural... B. Is not altered to be even considered a drug...
It is only a drug because the govt can't control it and make money on it and such...
If you look at the definition of drugs, then your so called cigarets and coffee and alcohol are right there with it so...
(This one is for you anon 9:03 am)Not to mention alcohol makes you STUPID AND IGNORANT.
I am an engineer and I got A's in college while smoking this so called stupid drug... Yet if weed make you stupid, how can I be an engineer, and be straight A's at the same time... Damn that's UN-heard of... because weed makes you stupid according to people who are just as stupid who speak before they research or gain knowledge over the subject...
well said 9:55! 9:03..could use a bong hit or two! lol.
Your internet degree is laughable! Pot makes you dumb and lazy period.
It also can help you become President. And the person who pointed out that alcohol can make you stupid, well they forgot to mention "dangerous", too. No one ever smoked a joint and started a fistfight, beat their wives or kids into a coma, weaved across the median and killed a family, or need a liver transplant. You anti-pot people are radically ignorant. Quit goose-stepping to every bit of propoganda shoved down your throat and think for yourself.
Just ask a cop if they would rather deal with someone on alcohol or pot. Then you will have your answer about which is more dangerous.
Dear Imclain ,
I used to smoke pot and I loved to fight. I could kick anyones ass after a joint. Most people who smoke pot , also drink ,you idiot.
It's like steak and potatoes.
Back when we used to smoke it we felt we could get away with anything.
Dear Imclain:
I have been around several people who would fight after smoking pot, like the next day when their feel good imbalance took a massive drop. Hateful, grouchy, moody....I also had an ex-boss who had extreme mood swings because of it.
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