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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Palin Blasts 2012 Speculation But Applauds...

(CNN) - Sarah Palin's political action committee pushed back on rumors she has made a decision about a run for the White House, but offered pointed praise to CNN Political Reporter Peter Hamby for "setting the record straight."
A statement on the website of SarahPAC said predictions about her future are "intended to mislead the American people."

"These are the same tired establishment political games that fuel the 24 hour news cycle and that all Americans will hopefully reject in 2012, and this is more of the 'politics-as-usual' that Sarah Palin has fought against throughout her career," the Monday night post said.


Anonymous said...

LOL, I almost fell on the floor. Palin, not into the political theater that fuels the 24 hour news cycle. LOL. If it weren't for all that theater and the cycle, we wouldn't even know who she is.

Darryl said...

This site needs a like button for 7:43's post

Anonymous said...

I like 7:43's post as well!

Anonymous said...

This is a woman who will do or say anything she can to keep herself in the spotlight.
All of those complaining about how much Obama takes to the tv should just think about how much we'd see her face on tv if she ever got elected President.