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Friday, August 19, 2011

$150 Billion And Counting -- Where Is the Mainstream Media Coverage Of Fannie And Freddie?

What is $150 billion really worth? It’s enough to buy each and every NFL franchise about five times. Or it could pay the median household income more than 3 million times over in the United States. It could even pay for 500 days of the war in Afghanistan at $300 million a day.

But it doesn’t buy much media coverage when that $150 billion is misspent by our own government and paid for by the increasingly over-stretched taxpayers.

That’s been the sordid tale of mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for years. And thanks to the left-loving gang on the network news, it doesn’t get any attention.

Much like the rest of the United States, Fannie and Freddie are in crisis – suffering a recent downgrade by Standard & Poor’s. 

Who can blame S&P? The combination of these two inept operations has cost Americans more than $150 billion and the meter is still running faster than a running back on steroids.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And the left wing kooks want to go after millionaires but the high ups in Fannie and Freddie Mac continue to make millions in bonuses on our tax dollars.Time for a new regime change in this country!