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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Top 10 Obama Lies

President Obama is becoming a veritable Pinocchio by stretching the truth on a regular basis.

The President's schnoz keeps growing and growing, from his description of Americans as tax-friendly to the rich mythology of ObamaCare.

Here are the Top 10 Obama Lies.


Anonymous said...

Where's the top 100 lies by Obama?
That would get you to last week.

Anonymous said...

Know how to tell when obammie is lying, he lips are moving!

Anonymous said...

...and his mouth is open.

Anonymous said...

mighty flimsy list. Especially when there are more concrete issues to bang Obama on

Anonymous said...

Here is what I am hiding.
1. Shhh, I am from Kenya.
2. I am muslim.
3. Bin Laden stays at the white house.
4. I am skimming off the gas prices!
5. I will set 1,000 black people free from jail just because.
6. I do not like white people.
7. I still attend my racist church.
8. My face will be on the food stamp and the independent cards soon!
9. It isn't true what they say about black people.
10. I put in a custom work order on 29000 for gold rims paid for by TAXES!