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Friday, April 22, 2011

Response To Glenn Beck

This week Glenn Beck has taken to his radio show to attack me as a Progressive, which he has said is the same as a “cancer” and a “Nazi.” What did I do that apparently caused him to link me to a fatal disease and a form of government that murdered millions of innocent Jews? I had the audacity—not of hope—but the audacity to give respect to the efforts of First Lady Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign to address childhood obesity. I’m no fan of her husband’s policies for sure, but I have appreciated her efforts that Beck misrepresented—either out of ignorance or out of a deliberate attempt to distort them to create yet another “boogey man” hiding in the closet that he and only he can see. The First Lady’s approach is about personal responsibility—not the government literally taking candy from a baby’s mouth. He seems to fancy himself a prophet of sorts for his linking so many people and events together to describe a massive global conspiracy for pretty much everything. Sadly, he seems equally inept at recognizing the obvious fact that children are increasingly obese and that we now see clinical evidence of diseases in children that as recent as 20 years ago were found only in adults, such as Type 2 diabetes. The costs to our nation are staggering in increase health care expenses, but it even effects national security with now 75% of young men between the ages of 17 and 24 are unfit for military service primarily due to obesity! His ridiculous claim that John McCain and I collaborated and conspired in the 2008 campaign is especially laughable. Is he not aware that McCain and I were competitors---not cohorts? Beck needs to stick to conspiracies that can’t be so easily de-bunked by facts. Why Beck has decided to aim his overloaded guns on me is beyond me. But he ought to clean his gun and point it more carefully lest it blow up in his face like it did this time.


Anonymous said...

Who wrote this?

It strongly hinges on a percieved threat?

If you do not like this Country let me know and I will pay for you to go to a another country of your choice...

G. A. Harrison said...

Anon 0837 -
Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee wrote the piece. While I agree that it would have been clearer if a statement had been put at the top, the link to the original piece is at the bottom of Joe's post.

Anonymous said...

Mike Huckabee is a true voice of reason. Glenn Beck is a joke at best, a mentally deranged media creation at worst.

Anonymous said...

Huckabee is not exactly a Reagan conservative. And there should be no common ground with a party that looks to socialize the last free country capable of keeping socialism from taking over the world. That is why they are working so hard to make it happen here. And sad to say alot of the elite republicans(McCain,Bush) are all doing their part to make it happen. And people like Huckabee would more than likely play along to get themselves in the position to be in power. Why else would people like Barak,Trump and so on pay so much money to be elected to a job that pays $250000 a year.

LadyLiddy said...

Amen, Beck is a whack job!

Mardela said...

Beck is correct. We once were a free country, able to make our own decisions without government intervention, regardless of what other thought or what the cost to the government was. It is the principle that started us in our break away from England.

Our government makes decisions not based on individual freedoms or moral and spiritual thought, but instead based soley on how much it will cost the government. They have a perception that they can hide behind individual choice (Roe vs Wade)but instead it comes down to how much money the government will shell out.

I think childhood obesity has more to do with tv, the additives in our food, fast food, portion control, and vaccines, but it still is up to us to decide what we want to put in our bodies and to live with the results of those choices.

Drew said...

8:54 Reagan would not even qualify as a Reagan conservative. It is all a big myth and part of the rewrite of history the republicans are so good at.

Anonymous said...

You know the country has gone loony when "excercise and don't eat so much fat food" is considered a "socialist takeover"

Anonymous said...

@8:54....Presidential Salary is 400K

Although, I do not agree with Huckabee's political stance most of the time, he is right in attempting to address the battle with Type 2 Diabetes. It cost this country Billions of Dollars in Medical and Additional expenses. Their are many contributing factors, including political issues like the Farm Bill that encourages our farmers to grow non-edible corn crops to make high fructose corn syrup for larger corporate donors like ADM. What people don't realize is that big corporations with tons of $$'s manipulate the right and left (more of the right due to support of large corporations) that end up effecting the price of food. I get the idea that people have free will to eat whatever they like, however based on cost it is just too damn easy to eat like shit based on companies like Wal-Mart, Fast Food, ADM, etc that drive eating habit of this nation. Feel free to look up where the lobbying dollars from these major corporations go, clearly it's to the republican.

So before I start getting blasted for my left leaning comments, I beg of you all to support the issue not the party. I respect everyone that believes in anti-socialist (i.e. Tea Party) and small government, however please do your homework to realize the other serious repercussions that Republican leaders support. Don't forget the past under Bush when they spent like drunken sailors. Would you rather we spend trillions in the desert on Irag or trillions on the health of the American Peoples.

Support the ideas, not the party.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if our country REALLY cared about obesity they would not allow high fructose corn syrup and thousands of other chemicals in our food. If anyone thinks that Michele Obama or the government cares about your health you are foolish.

Drew said...

9:48 So your in favor of more regulations? Isn't that leftist?

Alex said...

Haha Beck is even crazier that Huckabee.
So we got an alcoholic mormon fighting with a baptist minister about why kids are fat.

Anonymous said...

What right do they have telling anyone what to eat or how to excercise? And Drew I think it's the democrats who try to re-write history or ignore it alltogether.

Anonymous said...

Drew @ 9:48

Indirectly via the Farm Bill we are regulating what people eat.

It's all about what your definition of "regulation" is. Do you think Wall Street needs more regulation. The Bush Bailout under TARP (don't forget that Hank Paulson created TARP) could have been avoided with better "regulation" on Derivatives. So where should our money get spent, Wall Street where bonuses are in the Millions or fighting an epidemic like Diabetes.

Again, it's the issue not the Party.

Anonymous said...

12:55, sorry stating simple facts gets you so upset. loon