The Rubicon has been crossed. Netflix now has more people subscribed to it than Comcast. Netflix reported 23.6 million subscribers at the end of the 2011 first quarter, while Comcast ended 2010 with 22.8 million. (They could still possibly report more but considering that they've been dropping the past few quarters, it's unlikely). See, we don't need to worry about hegemony or legal monopolies, they'll just obsolete themselves out of business.
from The Consumerist
I love laying around watching TV all day, not working and collecting hand-outs from Obama. By the way Obama just sent me a cell phone and is paying my Auto-Insurance. Obama wrote me that if I get a job I have to pay Car insurance. So whats's on Channel 32?
I already pay for Comcast to get movies online and I've never done it. One, I don't have time to sit for 2 hours and watch a movie and two, I don't want to watch a movie on my computer!
This Xfinity is a bunch of crap from Comcast.
I just wish they would make the main systems I'm paying for work correctly and stop adding all this BS that I really have no interest in! Stop raising my rate for the "extras" that I will not use but I'm forced to pay for anyway!
there is nothing intelligent to watch or see anyway
try reading a book or getting a second job
or get out and loose a few pounds and improve your sex life
TV and movies are not going to bore anyone into a much needed revolution
its just another compliant drug you pay for that keeps you out of the reality of what Is and what is important .....why pay for evermore bullshit drivel in your your life cook more make love more and embrace your brief existence as your own and not that of a ZOMBIE in a dictated reality when you can make your own with you and yours.....It use to be the American Way......
comcast is horrible.they have a monopoly around here for the most part.we need a good cable company to come into our area.
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