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Friday, January 21, 2011

A Letter To The Editor


In her wisdom, Louise Smith has put Mayor Ireton’s legislative package on the agenda for a work session of the Salisbury City Council to be held on January 27 in its small meeting room (306) at the Government Office Building, not in the larger Council Chambers (Room 301). The Council’s meeting room cannot hold more than 15-20 people, and it is likely to be jam packed from the beginning by SAPOA members and landlords, so that city residents will be unable to observe the discussion. This insult would be in addition to the injury that Ms. Smith has perpetrated by refusing to schedule the matter for many months.

Perhaps Ms. Smith is ignorant of the fact that the public input sessions on the "safe streets" package were attended by dozens of people – after all, Louise did not bother to attend any of those sessions – or she may want it to be impossible for City residents to participate as observers. And the small meeting room is not conductive to good coverage by the mainstream media, which should – if they do their job – cover the work session and report it in detail.

We call upon Ms. Smith to move the work session of the legislative package either to the Council Chambers or, if it is not available, to the meeting room at the fire department headquarters station. If she acts promptly, the new location can be announced at the City Council’s regular meeting on Monday, January 24.


Anonymous said...

I've got an idea. Why doesn't everyone get there early and occupy every seat in the room including Louweasel's seat and other council members. Crowd her "space" with standing room only if no seats are available and make her feel as uncomfortable as can be.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 11:06, it's almost like that now, with all the cops they have demanded to be present.

Anonymous said...

Louweeasal only scheduled it for political reasons.

Don't care nothing about people's safety.

Waited til she and Bubba weren't running. Waited for landlord buddies to file lawsuit. Know who she really worked for. Weren't regular people.

Unknown said...

If you anonymous people would have gone to the legislative sessions, you would have seen by Debbie Campball's own tally, there were more owner occupied houseing and actual tenants there then landlords. Additionally these same people spoke and showed what this legislation actually was. Not against crime, but against rentals, period.


Stuart Leer