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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Worcester County Liquor Control Board, (LCB)

Here is the report…


Anonymous said...

Guess they got some explaining to do NOW....LOL..I think the unemployment division is getting some more members....

Anonymous said...

Do you really expect someone who is a convicted felony who served time in jail to uphold rules and regulations now? The Dispatch had an article not that long ago about the director of LCB. Not sure if it is true but if it is. How did he get job? Court case seach also shows he has an issue with paying his own bills. Again this man is in charge of how money? How did he get this position of authority with his background?

Anonymous said...

send em to jail. Those pompous jerks who have always acted with a sense of entitlement should be taught a lesson once and for all. NOW, NOW, NOW is the time to once and for all get rid of these STUPID LCB's. When are the people going to wake up?

Anonymous said...

How exactly do you propose replacing the massive amount of money the board brings into the county coffers?

Anonymous said...

They should make a stop here in Wicomico County on their return trip to Annapolis. Kill 2 LCB's with one trip. :)

Anonymous said...

The money isn't the important issue. It is the total lack of respect for the law. Wicomico LCB has been caught selling to minors more than once and putting our community at risk. All the LCB's need to be abolished.

Anonymous said...

get rid of the LCB in the state. what a racket!

Anonymous said...

2:06 They don't make massive amounts of money off the sales. The real money is in the taxes. There are only a couple of counties left that have liquor brds as sales outlets. The other counties (Balt. County and Montgomery Co. being amoung them) do just fine with the taxes collected from privately owned liquor stores.

Anonymous said...

I've got news for all of you. Wicomico is next on the list to be investigated.

If you think things were bad in Worcester - you ain't seen nothing yet.

lmclain said...

Why is the government involved in the sale of drugs? Please don't give me the "so we can control and monitor" argument. THAT has already been proven to be a joke. Its more of a reward for cops and cronies who want a second job (on the taxpayer's dime again, of course.) Regulate liquor, fine. Be involved in the sale of, and profit from, liquor? Not so fine. Another scam on the citizens. And a relic from the past. Thats why there are so few of these "LCB's" usual, someone, somewhere, is getting a kickback, a bribe, or a "cut"....guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting to see how many people believe that the LCB is a 'for profit' entity. The surplus funds garnered from the sale of liquor in Worcester co. are distributed EQUALLY within the county. This means that those smaller towns within the county who aren't big tourist traps (Pocomoke, Snow Hill, Berlin) still receive revenue. Yes, there are those who argue that the LCB should be dissolved & a license system will be structured to comp the loss of income to those cities but how much will that license cost? How many small businesses will be able to afford that fee? And there are some who argue that the loss of jobs from the LCB would be offset by new jobs created by the bars & restaurants who can now hire more employees. Uh huh. Let's see...let's eliminate about 30 jobs that are currently held by US residents who live, work, own property, pay taxes, and shop within the area and turn those into 60 minimum wage jobs w/no benefits that will be filled by visa-holding students from other countries. Makes lots of sense. At the root of all of this is a handful of bloated, self-involved businesses within Worcester co. who are looking to maximize their own profits. They do not care about redistributing the revenue from tourism dollars to smaller towns within the county. Those large businesses will have plenty of clout when negotiating prices w/vendors but how bout the little bar or restaurant? You're insane to think that we'll be paying the same as the big bars/restaurants for any liquor. Yeesh, how many of you can claim you've made zero mistakes since prohibition? Bleep happens. Doesn't sound like any of it was done maliciously and it definitely doesn't sound any worse that the garbage done by those in DC. Fix the problems, but be careful who's feeding you the information. Selective news reports can be very misleading.

Anonymous said...

Don't know about a kickback, a bribe, or a cut 7:49pm, but what I do know is all of the LCB's need to be abolished. It not fair to those in private business plus government should not be in the alcohol business. I remember when the heat was on in Wicomico County and I really believed it was going to be abolished then. We need to light a fire under Stevie Prettyman and get her to start advocating for that again. How bout it Stevie? Be the voice of us, the business owners.