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Monday, November 01, 2010

O'Malley Attack Ad On Taxes/Fees

I just heard the O'Malley attack ad on taxes and fees for the fourth time in one hour.
I have ONE question:

What tax or fee did O'Malley repeal or roll back during his four years in office??

The answer of course is NONE!

Stop the hypocrisy O'Malley, you have had four years and all you did was raise taxes. Your time is up.

Read my vote tomorrow at the polls.

Editors Note: Sent in by a loyal reader.


Anonymous said...

You'll be sorry! It's the lesser of the 2 evils & my vote will cancell yours out!

Anonymous said...

amen to 6:42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

omalley is a waste from baltimore! shame you folks are so blindly led to slaughter. they both suck but erlich is definately the lesser of two evils!

Anonymous said...

To 7:22

You have got to be kidding me. I'm a staunch conservative and a Republican.

Ehrlich created more fees & higher taxes - (license fees, state property tax assessments, flush tax, constellation electric rate hikes, raided the energy grant funds) - there is nothing conservative about him. And O'Malley isn't any better - but he is certainly not any worse.

If there was ever a hypocrite it is Ehrlich. He professes to be a fiscal conservative but look at his spending.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, O'Malley is worse. Higher taxes and a deficit.

When Ehrlich left office there was a surplus.

In the red -- or in the black?

That's a difference!!

Anonymous said...

my name is o'malley, i said i wanted to raise the sales tax by 1% and in exchange i would reduce your property tax, oh wait, i do not cut taxes, so YOU only get the 1% sales tax raise.

Omalley is a chump. does everyone seem to forget this????