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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fatah Decides: No Recognition Of Israel As Jewish State

The faction that is led by Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and which leads the PA has officially declared its refusal to recognize Israel as a Jewish State.

The Fatah Revolutionary Council voted to “affirm its rejection of the so-called Jewish state or any other formula that could achieve this goal” at its fifth convention in Ramallah over the weekend.

“The Council also renews its refusal for the establishment of any racist state based on religion in accordance with international law and human rights conventions,” the council said in a statement issued at the end of the convention.

In addition, the statement said Fatah was opposed to the concept of swapping land for peace, because “illegal settler gangs cannot be placed on an equal footing with the owners of the lands and rights.”

The latest efforts by the United States to bring Israel and the PA back to the negotiating table did not help the cause of peace, opined the Council, because it could “harm Palestinian rights and prolong the occupation… and such gifts to the occupier will only make the occupier more stubborn and radical.”

The Council also condemned the new Israeli law that mandates a full nationwide Israeli referendum prior to ceding land from within Jerusalem or the Golan Heights, saying it violated international law. Fatah Council members urged the PA leadership to fight the measure in the United Nations plenum and in U.N. Security Council.           


lmclain said...

come on, according to the current adminstration, all we need to do is give the PLO more land, freedom to attack Israel at will and "negotiate" more. Soon, it will all be better. Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny will hold hands and walk through the entire region, blessing everyone with peace and good will. Then, Iran will incinerate the non-believers. I guess I got the last part wrong -- Iran ONLY wants nuclear power for "electricity', and by "electricity", I mean the destruction of Israel.

Anonymous said...

Everyone will be saying and wanting peace but no peace will come.