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Friday, October 08, 2010


We know that it’s almost Election Day when the candidates commence their usual harangue about the County Board of Ed. It goes like this: since the County funds the Board, the County should have control over the Board and accountability. Some even propose having an elected school board – although why and how that would confer control authority on the County government is never discussed, because it would not.

To learn the real facts about the Board’s funding, I went online, to the Board’s budget, in which these data appear. Wow, what a surprise.

The County furnishes only a minor part of the Board’s budget – this year less than 25%, down from 27.5% in the prior year. The other 75% this year comes almost entirely from the State of Maryland (65.3%) and federal government (8.3%).

Of the total reduction – almost $11 Million -- in the Board’s funding this year the greater portion (nearly $7.6 Million) is due to less County funding; despite Obama’s dogma about funding education, most ($1.75 Million) of the rest of the reduction is due to less federal funding.

So much for the mantra that the problem is caused by less State funding – despite its fiscal dilemma, its funding is down by only $266,000 (0.23%).

Consider the magnitude of the reduction County funding – almost 15% -- one of the biggest hits in the County’s budget. And during the past decade the share of the County’s budget that goes to fund the school system has dropped dramatically, as the shares for other purposes have increased.

These, folks, are the facts. And one more that’s worth mention – the total funding and expenditure of Wicomico County’s school system is much less on a "per student" basis than the State average. So much for that "common knowledge" that the system wastes massive amounts of money.

Candidates: please tell the truth, not what the T-party wants you to say, about the school system.


Anonymous said...

Excellent reporting!

Thank you Joe

Anonymous said...

The County Council should stop trying to run the schools. That charade they did with the bus drivers was absurd.

Anonymous said...

Great article. What would enhance your point is a matrix that shows the $'s (total and per student)that each Maryland county invests. Wicomico is near the bottom. The question then becomes, how do we effectuate the needed change? Because there is no question that this needs to change.

Orsonwells said...

Here's my question:

OK, since I, as a taxpayer, fund $181m of their budget through county, state, and federal taxes, and the BOE only funds $3m, .... drum roll, please....

WHY are THEY in charge?

Anonymous said...

You failed to mention that approximately 55% of the Wicomico County's budget goes to the WCBOE.

Anonymous said...

the tea party wants accountability and sunshine on how all tax dollars are spent. just like home budgets there is always a need to review this often. many times there are better ways to reach the goal. our public school system fails us because it fails the children. they all need to know how to do the basics; reading, writing and math. this will never change. they need to know geography, U.S. history, world history, civics and science.
they don't need revisionists history, creative math, creative spelling and creative writing.
always keep an eye on the budget and make sure you're getting ALL the facts. sometimes figures aren't revealed to the general public........

Anonymous said...

Holy 180 on the BOE!

Anonymous said...

Folks - the educational system is almost as old as the 'oldest profession'. There is a great similarity between the two.

As for myself - my wife and I decided not to have kids. Thus, why should I help to pay for those parents who decided to have children - particularly those who had children that are unmarried.

Why is it that the responsibility is being placed squarely on the shoulders of the Taxpayers. It is only fair to shift the burden to those who decide to have children.

Now lets take a look at the number of illegal residents who come here and have children. Now our society is not only being strapped to pay for the naturalized citizens kids, but also, we are now being strapped to pay for the education of illegal's parents who have had kids.

The educational system as we know it is a sham - and/or flim flam operation. And thus you are seeing its degradation.

Anonymous said...

6:51, good luck finding a decent doctor, lawyer, oil change, carwash, meal, cashier at Walmart, server at Hardees or anything else for that matter if you rest the financial burden of educating the children solely on those people who have kids. Take a look at the countries that don't have public education. While you have a valid argument on the need to financially support the education of illegal alien children, it is absurd to think that because you didn't have kids, you shouldn't have to help educate them. Everyone with a brain knows that a stupid population breeds more people that simply live off the system and are a total burden to society.

One4All said...

2:07 Your comments are right on the mark, and I for one appreciate the fact that you and so many other recognize that despite the problems faced in public education, the ticket to a more secure future is producing law abiding taxpayers who hold jobs and contribute positively to society. I can understand the frustration of those who may be on a fixed income, however, that does not preclude their responsibility, and ours, to contribute to our society. DO we have problems here on Delmarva and in Salisbury in particular? Sure we do - just look at the local crime, but in refrence to the gentleman who posted the commets you responded to, I have to wonder if he would like to meet some of the children whom did not do well in this I mean that we have a societal responsibility, and dare I say it,a religious responsibility to help better the common man. I know that may amount to hersary in certain areas, but it is certainly a reality. I wonder how much true thought this individual gave prior to making these comments. Furthemore, I share his concern about those who irresponsibly produce and parent children. Having two young children of my own, it is certainly more than a notion to do so, and to do so in a manner that is positive for our society. To be sure, I feel sorry for folks who make these sorts of comments as it clearly shows a lack of civic responsibility. Maybe the poster will read these comments and respond in a more positive manner in the future.