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Saturday, September 25, 2010

O'Malley Asks Obama To Stump

While some Democratic incumbents appear to be distancing themselves from President Obama and his low job-approval rating, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley says he is eagerly awaiting a campaign-trail visit.

"I hope he'll come," said Mr. O'Malley, a Democrat in a tight race against GOP candidate Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. for a second term. "I continue to ask him."

Mr. O'Malley made his plea Thursday during a campaign stop at a diner in Silver Spring, Md., just eight miles from the White House.

"I know the president has 37 different states [with governor's races], but I'd really like to have him," Mr. O'Malley said moments later. "Joe Biden has been here."



Anonymous said...

There both from the same camp in my book.....hope he could only hurt him more......

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I hope Owe'Malley does get Obama to pimp for him. Shows what kind of idiot he is. While he is at it he should get Jim Liarton to pimp for him as well.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's exactly who I want campaigning with me, Obama Bin Lyin.