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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ahmadinejad Rant Deals Major Blow to 'Obama Doctrine'

The bizarre U.N. rant alleging a 9/11 conspiracy by Iranian strongman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, delivered from the same podium where President Obama had just hours before extended yet another of olive branch of diplomacy toward the rogue Persian regime, marks the most devastating setback yet in the administration's campaign of global engagement, foreign-policy experts say.

A host of nations joined America in walking out on Ahmadinejad's tirade -- including the 27 European Union states, Australia, Costa Rica, and New Zealand.

But the overwhelming majority of the diplomats representing the worlds 192 nations not only kept their seats, but applauded vigorously when Ahmadinejad finally stopped talking.

"They are literally at their wits' end. They have no idea what to do," Dr. James Jay Carafano, the Heritage Foundation national security expert, tells Newsmax of the administration. "They don't want to take the Iranians on. They don't want to appear soft on Iran. They don't want to say that having an Iranian nuclear program is acceptable, but they're unwilling to do any of the things to demonstrate that the United States truly would hold it as unacceptable."

Richard Grenell, a former spokesman for four U.S. ambassadors to the United Nations including former Ambassador John R. Bolton, tells Newsmax that Thursday's incident is another setback for an Obama strategy he says has "failed miserably on a variety of fronts in the Middle East."
Here is more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is Zionism against Islam

The Christians so far have been bambuzzled by the wonders of Zion's media dominatin in the West.

However, the truth will continue to be spoken and seen on the internet. Soon most people will have to accept that our unConstitutional government lied to us about 911. We will all have to come to terms with the fact that 911 was an iside job and the 2 resulting wars were and are criminal.

Ah Haminijad (sp?) is no saint as he represents merely another bloodline of the Illuminati who seeks to shape the world government at our door step. However, his insistence on speaking truth to power will give his bloodline a lot of leverage in the years to come.