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Monday, September 27, 2010

A Letter To The Editor


Even those who don’t support Joe Ollinger must concede that during the past several weeks his campaign has at last materialized and Rick Pollitt can no longer be regarded as a sure winner for another term. The primary election, once regarded as the prelude to Pollitt’s victory, proved to be a shocker. He received only about 2/3rds of the votes cast for that office by Democrats, and the conservative in that contest, John Wayne Baker received about 20%.

The real bombshell was the fact that Mr. Ollinger got a much greater vote in the Republican primary than Pollitt got of the Democrat vote. Because Ollinger ran almost no campaign before the primary, while Pollitt has been in high gear for months, that is incredible. It has been followed by significant publicity the media, including his invitation for informal public debates with Pollitt. That was last week.

This week was just as good for Mr. Ollinger, including his successful fund raiser, followed by two miracles. John Wayne Baker announced that he will support Ollinger and urged those who supported him in the primary to do likewise. Then the Daily Times ran a bold headline containing Ollinger’s name and a photo of his road sign on the first page, above the fold – providing publicity that can’t be bought. The Daily Times’ article focuses on his large "road" signs, which it tried to portray as the smaller "yard" signs that Ollinger has decided not use in his campaign.

In just a few weeks, Ollinger’s campaign has gone from invisible and dormant to energized and publicized, after a surprisingly good showing in the primary. So, the "internals" of the race seem much better and improving for him. Now let’s consider the "externals" which are very good for him.

Anti-Obama sentiment, always strong on the Lower Shore, has swelled since the 2008 election. That and the heated races for governor, congress and the General Assembly seats are sure to motivate Republicans and conservative Democrats to vote in large, possibly record numbers. In addition, the independent and "third-party" voters are mostly conservative and together they and the registered Republican voters outnumber the Democrats, The turnout in the primary – more Republicans than Democrats voted – reflects the motivation of the former and apathy of the latter; other voters could not participate in the primary.

In fact, there is a distinct conservative trend in Wicomico County– in 2006, the first of two Democrat "wave" elections nationally, Bob Ehrlich, while losing statewide, won Wicomico County by a greater margin than he did in 2002, when he beat Kathleen Kennedy Townsend statewide. This year Pollitt won’t have the benefit of a Democrat wave as he did in 2006. Nor is he running against an opponent with the public stigma of his opponent in that election.

And this year Pollitt may have a special problem of his own making – his role as O’Malley’s campaign leader for Wicomico County. That relationship, a negative on its face, may fuel the public perception that Pollitt also supports Obama, who O’Malley has strongly supported and recently asked to campaign for him. Republican strategists could easily portray them as "three stooges" who are a danger that should be avoided. Pollitt’s position on the property tax revenue cap could be the catalyst to labeling them the "tax & spend" trio.

Thus, after a summer doldrum during which Pollitt’s reelection seemed certain to occur, the colors have changed with the coming of fall. At this point it is uncertain who will be elected County Executive. But you can sense that the tide may be turning.


Anonymous said...

I voted for Ollinger in the primary because that's all there was to vote.
I will vote for Rick in the general election!

Anonymous said...

Baker needs another drink and Ollinger needs a clue. Joe these are not worthy opposition. I like you am reaching for straws. No Pollitt is not "the man" for the job. Ollinger should not be running period. The Republican party has pissed me off so bad the last two elections. What is going on did we leave the C/C in place to long. Times have changed young kids are voting. Is the vote educated ? I say not look at who they elected President. White women between the ages of 18 & 40 elected "O". Hmmmmmm

Both sexes 18-25 voted for him they believed he would legalize Marijauna and open all boarders. Well they got half of it right.

So we take white hairs and think they will win simply because they are white hairs. No those days are gone. The respect for elders went out the window twenty years ago. Hence the long legged mac daddy getting into to office over a man that probably wears depends to bed. Sorry he was a brave and great soldier. He is not what wins elections any longer.

So I guess as sad as it is I will vote for Pollitt. I can not vote for a man that can not even muster up enough thought to make up his "own" sign. I am sure all those at Salisbury Nursing home got a real chuckle out of that "Bold" move. Give me a Freakin Break. Republicans better crawl out of the 60's or we will get or asses beat again at the poles.

Anonymous said...

I will throw my democrat vote for Joe Ollinger. Rick has caused noting but lay offs, furlough, no pay raises, increases in medical insurance and increase retirement; etc...etc...etc. Wicomico County employees are struggling out there and Rick has done absolutely nothing for them. The administrators aren't suffering. They don't even offer a solution or sacrifice some of their earning to help the low income or middle class workers to stay above water. My vote is for Joe Ollinger. I hope others will help this man become the new County Executive. Rick has done absolutely nothing GOOD for Wicomico County. Go back to where you came from.

Anonymous said...

11:17: If you think Pollitt caused the layoffs, furloughs and no pay raises, then you should go back under the rock you came from. Everyone wants the "tough" choices until they affect you. For some, he doesn't cut enough; for you, he cuts too much. Why anyone would want this job is beyond me. I'll vote for Pollitt because he at least has a clue about the requirements of being the county executive, unlike his opponent.

Anonymous said...


They said that Ronald Reagan was clueless, too, when he ran for president.

I'll vote for Ollinger, not another career bureaucrat like Pollitt.

Anonymous said...

Ollinger is no Ronald Reagan. Get a grip on reality, folks.

Anonymous said...


What we like is that he's not Rick Pollitt. Two votes for Joe O.

Anonymous said...

It would be something -- Obama stumping for O'Malley right here in River City, with Ricky Pollitt as the MC. That would really make Ollinger's day on Nov. 2nd

Anonymous said...

Two votes for Pollitt at my house, two more at our son's house.

Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt that even a slim majority of voters (who votes in wico co anyhow? 25% of people? less?) will connect Pollitt with the governor or the president. People care about what he's done in their backyards, nothing more. You're grasping if you believe otherwise.

Anonymous said...

Pollitt has done nothing but lie his way around the county since day one. I'd say send him back to Fruitland but they don't want him either. Joe on the other hand is a sensible business minded man and should be able to make better informed decisions on how to run this county effectively without the waist Pollitt has created. Pollitt has done nothing but make EMPTY promises he knew he could not keep.

Stewart Davis said...

Maybe they both will attend the LORA event on October 21st at Black Diamond Lodge. Local Owner Restaurant Association is putting on a meet and greet with any person running from governer down. Each person accepting our invitation will have a table to talk one on one with the voters and the public is welcome. Ask any questions, shake hands, support you favorite candidate. It will be from 6-8 pm on October 21st. Thank you to the Salisbury Chamber and Black Diamond for having the event at their lodge. Also, Thank you to LORA for stepping forward, providing food and supporting their customers of Wicomico County.
For any questions you may contact Stewart Davis LORA President at 410.546.2570 or at

Stewart Davis
President of L.O.R.A.
Local Owner Restaurant Association

Anonymous said...

Given the fact that Pollitt has Teddy boy on staff after he charged lumber purchased from Delaware Lumber to Solid Waste, had it shipped to his house for a deck and then promoted the employee who helped build the deck while the lowers got axed tells all everything they need to know.

Kudos Ricky.

Anonymous said...

John Wayne Baker ? What a joke. That guy spent most of his time sucking up to the Brewingtons. Two votes from our house for Pollitt for that reason alone !

Anonymous said...

3:30 Can you name even one lie you say Pollitt has told around the county? And not just "I heard someone say he said ...." I mean something you have actual knowledge of. Or are you just ranting without actual facts? And I think you mean waste....How about some facts about exactly what waste he has "created."

Anonymous said...

I think it is more what he (Rick) has not done. I feel he has protected the good old boys (like the landfill ordeal) instead of firing all of them. He doesn't seem to have the gonads to follow through. I don't think Olinger can do any worse than Pollitt and since our county already has very high tax rate, I think the tax cap repeal that he wants clenched it for us. 5 votes for Olinger in the family.

Anonymous said...

To 7:45pm wake up and smell the coffee brewing. Look deep at who is actually doing his job. Shea retired and the first thing Pollitt did was bring him back. If you only knew the real covered up mess that lurks in our county you would be shocked. Positions created for his cronies while other county employees get deductions in wages. Sure they don't actually say deductions but what else is it. Then he hires a public information officer FOR WHAT? Pollitt only knows one thing and that is spend. Pull the wool over everyone's eyes and buy property for a parking lot we don't need. Purpose to spend money on new parks in the county while letting current parks and such go to waist. Hold out on the deputies in the county and make it look like someone else is the problem yea there is plenty to say about Pollitt. He'll love you to your face but when your back is turned look out!

Anonymous said...

One Republican running against another one is like picking the least worse. The rela test will be running against Rick, and in that race,Ottinger may as well concede now. A handfull of votes from a few "buddies" is not going to cut it.

Same as you Obama haters got crushed by everyone else in the Presidential vote. Talk is cheap, votes count, and you aint got them...

Anonymous said...

745 Refer to 736. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a duck.