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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

RSC Update

In times of economic distress, the ability to plan ahead can restore confidence and help one weather the storm. Yet many American families and businesses do not currently have that ability as a result of the extremely uncertain environment created by Washington Democrats. For one thing, Democrats refuse to pass a budget which would give the private sector a clear picture of future spending and deficits. The result? Greater uncertainty among the families and businesses who know that today’s trillion dollar deficits mean a trillion dollars in higher taxes tomorrow.

And speaking of higher taxes, most Americans are currently unable to make reliable estimates about their federal tax burden for next year. Why? Because Democrats refuse to let them know what will happen with an armada of job-killing tax increases slated to take effect on January 1, 2011. Instead, they’re threatening to punt the issue (along with a National Energy Tax, card check, and other items) to a lame duck session in an attempt to avoid a public backlash in November.

The incredible uncertainty about so many far-reaching issues has much of the private sector hunkered down in “wait and see” mode. Sparking the robust job creation needed to rejuvenate our economy will take a commitment to real leadership, a real budget, and real economic solutions.

Congressman Tom Price Chairman, Republican Study Committee

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