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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Westbound Route 50-Fatal

LOCATION: W/B Rte 50 @ Sixty Foot Rd, Pittsville, Wicomico County, MD

On the above date and time troopers responded to the above location in reference to an accident involving a motorcycle and a work truck. Upon arrival it was determined that Harry Singleton who was operating a 2005 Harley Davidson motorcycle, was travelling Westbound on Route 50 just East of Sixty Foot Road, when a 2008 Chevrolet truck, operated by Michael Nannini, was northbound on Sixty Foot Road crossing Westbound Route 50, when he pulled out in front of the oncoming motorcycle. The operator of the motorcycle was unable to avoid a collision with the work truck resulting in the accident. Speed of the motorcycle does not appear to be a factor in the collision, nor was either operator under the influence of alcohol.

Singleton was later pronounced dead at Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

Nannini refused any medical treatment at the scene.

Charges are pending reference the driver of the 2008 Chevrolet truck upon consultation with the States Attorney’s Office.

Deceased: Harry E. Singleton, 70 YOA, of St. Augustine, FL

At Fault: Michael A. Nannini, 39 YOA, of Pittsburgh, PA 15227


Anonymous said...

tooo many drivers not paying attention, i almost tboned someone last week that pulled out in front of me.

charge him with vehicular manslaughter. set some examples

doug wilkerson said...

Seventy years old and still riding, must of been a cool old dude. You just never know do you? Every minute is a gift. I wish I could remember that more often.

Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to the man family for thier loss and the driver. They will all be in my prayers.

joealbero said...

He was on his Son's motorcycle from Salisbury.

Anonymous said...

Tragic just tragic. But I will take this opportunity to throw out there that this is why POLICE do proactive traffic enforcement. So they can cite distracted and agressive drivers. Not saying ther at fault in this case was either but accidents do happen and there is a reason for them. POLICE are on the road to detect such a thing. So there you go for all you nay sayers who want to bash the police for pulling someone over for a tail light or speeding or whatever. Laws are in place for a reason. Sympothy to the family of the deceased and to the at fault driver, even though he may be OK physically I am sure he will be dealing with some mental anguish for a long time to come.

Roger said...

Anon 3:34

It was an accident. Thats why its called an accident. you think he meant to cause this?? He was very upset at the scene, but regardless of how you look at it, it was an accident. Period.

Chainsaw said...

"Look Twice, Save a Life" isn't just a nifty sounding slogan that comes around every spring.

Four tons of steel thrown in the path of a human, reguardless of their age, on a motorcycle by another human at the controls warrants serious repercussions.

Anonymous said...

it was avoidable!!!! slow the hell down and pay attention, big deal he was upset!!!! def throw the book at him. There is no reason to be compassionate towards this driver!!!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just dont see the motorcycles, even when you are paying attention. It's just like going down Rt 90 and the heat from the road makes it so you can't see cars coming the other way. Accidents do happen even to good people.

Anonymous said...

pennsylvania drivers--enuff said

Anonymous said...

pa drivers suck, period. hang the sob

efren said...

he was a cool dude, loved to ride and was on his way to purchase a new bike. its not fair that he is gone.

doug wilkerson said...

I new that name kept ringing bells in my head.

Anonymous said...

Instead of crossovers and stops signs, there should be overpasses with on ramps. Not only would you help save lives, they would ease traffic congestion, save time and gas. Unfortunatley, innattentive driving is becoming a bigger issue, as there are more and more must have gadgets added to vehicles every year. everyone seems to want to be "connected" to everywhere but where they are at right now.

Anonymous said...

he took a life over not doing something as simple as paying attention when he was driving. how hard is it to actually LOOK before you cross a road? people feeling sympathy for this idiot need to imagine that the deceased was one of their loved ones. accident or not, it was easily avoidable, and some jail time is very appropriate.

Roger said...

Anon 5:16

So if you were riding down the street singin along to your favorite song in an unfamiliar place and ACCIDENTALLY ran a stop sign and caused a fatal accident it would be right and just to be charged as a murderer?? I think not. Repercussions ?? Yes. But quite frankly, what could he be charged with?? !. Failure to yeild the right of way, negligent driving ?? Thats about it because there was no alcohol or drugs involved.
Its a tragic ACCIDENT that this man was killed. My condolonces to both families.

Anonymous said...

For those of you casting stones, how many times have you ever pulled out in front of a car or motorcycle by accident not from negligence, but because you simply didn't see them?? How many of you have ever changed lanes and had someone in your blindspot that you did not see? I've gotten lucky in the past by narrowly missing a motorcycle on more than one occasion because they are hard to see, not because of not paying attention! Unless the driver was speeding, drinking, under influence of drugs, texting, aggressive/negligent driving, then it is what it ACCIDENT!! We all make mistakes and I'm sure this man will pay for it by the grief and guilt he feels. It sucks that man lost his life and that his family will mourn him. How many people get caught drunk driving or using drugs and do not serve jail time for something intentional? I'm praying for all parties involved even though I do not know them.

Anonymous said...

Accident, Yes. Negligent driving, Yes. But I have not heard anything about, Was the truck driver on the phone? Did he stop, then go. Or did he do a slow n go? Or did he just not stop at all. I think there is a STOP sign there. Did he screw up? Yes. He will have to live with it for the rest of his live. An nothing will bring back the other driver.

P.S. We all will have to live with this. Maybe this will save someone else.

Anonymous said...

we need to a budget a crusade against self indulgent PA drivers

everyone knows the menace they represent every year...they are much more dangerous than the June Bugs

Anonymous said...

the priority that MD State Troopers are charged with...

East of Salisbury is their role as bounty collectors for Lord O'Malley

Anonymous said...

Wilkerson, it doesn't take much to ring bells in your head.

Anonymous said...

How many times does someone have to get killed or injured at that intersection? They really need to put a light up there or something. Its horrible.

Anonymous said...

I blame PA drivers too as well.
I can honestly say that i've never pulled out in front of somebody by accident. My best strategy on the road is to be defensive.

Anonymous said...

Interesting how some are making comments and they don't even know all the details about the accident.

Anonymous said...

So many people being judgemental wanting to lynch the driver, its ridiculous...

We've all made mistakes driving. We've all accidentally cut someone off or pulled out in front of someone we didn't see or ran a red light or made a turn from the wrong lane, etc... I don't care what any arrogant jerk tries to say, anyone who has ever been behind a wheel in their life has made a mistake driving. We're just lucky that 99% of the time it doesn't result in a serious accident where someone gets hurt or worse.

Rob S

Anonymous said...

Before judging anyone, get the facts. I am a PA driver and resent all of the comments. Is Pa the cause of this terrible accident? What a ridiculous statement! I pray for both families involved, and may God bring them peace.

Unknown said...

To all those making comments without even knowing the facts you are ridiculous. Everyone has made mistakes driving. This is horrible for all parties involved. I pray for them all.

Brandon said...

It is interesting to see all of the comments that have been posted on this story.

In response to Doug Wilkerson: he was an awesome man! He's been riding for years and knew he would always ride till the end. His name may be familiar because he talked to anyone and everyone who'd listen and if you met him once, you're guaranteed to never forget him.

"Joealbero": How did you know him? btw, I'm one of his grandchildren...

Victoria said...

When I found this website and saw all the comments about this I was touched...Harry is my grandfather and I loved him so much. He was a wonderful man who could always make me laugh. He was full of great advice and made friends with everyone he talked to. I saw him everyweek so when I learned of this new I was.....I can't even explain. I Love him so much, and thank you everyone for the nice comments.