DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
A Comment I Just Had To Share
ok first of all let me say something to all you judgemental arrogant self righteous as&*&(*%S out there. my daughter has left her daughter with me due to the lack of being able to take care of her. HOW DARE YOU SPEAK ABOUT A MOTHER LIKE YOU HAVE!!! my daughter is no less of a person because she has issues that keep her from taking care of her child!!! every person is a human and the is only to be judged by god. if you don't care that you shouldn't of watched and you talk about wboc as far as i am concerned the only RAG around here is this blog and Joe!!! You talk about losing respect for WBOC, Steve and Elizabeth well, how can you have respect for someone that ONLY allows comments that HE approves lol... you can't leave a comment unless he likes it...what the hell is that????? Joe is definitely no angel all he does is bash bash bash and he is the most judgemental of all. No one asked any of you to watch WBOC but everyone has a right to defend themselves just like all of you ignorant judgemental people feel like you have a right to your opinion to bash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER THAT WHEN IT COMES YOUR TURN CAUSE KARMA IS A BITCH!!! OF COURSE I AM SURE THIS WON'T BE POSTED CAUSE JOE WON'T LIKE IT AND WE ALL KNOW HE APPROVES THE COMMENTS. IF IT MAKES IT I WILL BE SHOCKED :o
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Please Woman !!,
of course your daughter is less of a person, and you are too.
That is of course if her issues are drugs/alcohol/mental related.
Maybe you'd feel better if you just let yourself agree...
well...I have no ide what that was about. sometimes you just have to vent I guess.
Did that moron sign her name?
Looks like she raised an irresponsible child herself. What mother would give up her own children to anyone. And then the grandmother defends her actions?? That is what is wrong with America these days. Have babies whether you can afford them or not. Someone will take care of them, right Obama!
WTF. seek help!!!
Bet you didn't go out of your way to dig anyone out of the snow these past few days. Looks like you've got some anger issues. If your this angry, I feel sorry for the child in your care. Seek some help woman! We're each allowed to express our opinions. It's called the 5th Amendment. With this blog, we're allowed to get things off our minds...both good and bad. Would you rather us take it out to the streets to discuss? Trust me, I don't think it would be a civil conversation. We came together on Christmas morning as a community all wanting and praying for the same result. How often can you say over 3,000 people together at Perdue stadium feel this way? Minus hoping the home team wins, they are all feeling other things and most of the time only speaking to the person beside them or someone they run into that they know. Sarah brought us together and for that she'll always hold a special place in my heart. I met people I otherwise never would of met. I have continued talking to those new people who came into my life on that Christmas morning. I know the real Jennifer. I have known both of the parents for a long time, way before Sarah and her sister were born. I know what I saw last night and it angered me. WBOC teased us with commercials claiming we'd get answers. Jennifer never said a thing that she's already said for over a month. I know how often she's seeing her children. It makes me sick! Yes, I'm pissed. Why did WBOC make a big deal out of nothing at all? Trust me, I can say more than she did as far as answering those same questions but they wanted the big scoop and DIDN'T GET IT! It'll all be out in the open soon. Jennifer is NOT as innocent as she's hoping this community would end up seeing her from that interview. Sorry Jen, it didn't happen.
To the inspired person who wrote the letter. Please take a look in the mirror and say WHAT DID I DO? or maybe WHAT SHOULD I HAVE DONE? The upbringing of a person has a great deal to do with how they act in society when they move out on their own. So before YOU blame everybody else about how your worthless daughter acts and the things she gets in trouble with take a long look in the mirror because it started at HOME!
Wow, get a life. . .
Yeah sorry lady but if you have a child, YOU take care of it, reguardless. If your daughter had "issues" she shouldn't have had a child in the first place. Nothing & no one should come before your child. I know a worthless mother out there who lets the responsibility of raising their children lie on someone else while she "attempts"- and i use that term loosely, to better herself without any worry, or child support, towards her own children. So like I said, sorry lady but how can you blame us for being judgemental when all you can do is judge a deadbeat for putting everything under the sun before a child you brought into this world?
people who live in glass houses should not throw stones...don't argue with a fool, because from a distance, it is hard to tell who is who...if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.. i would all of these are appropriate in this matter
I am appauled that this grandmother will come on blogs and exhibit her anger! She should have alot of anger but it should be directed at her daughter and son in law who had these precious children and then expected someone else to raise them. God bless the aunt! Jennifer you need to be a mother and stop thinking of your needs and addictions! I didn't see this grandmothers anger when people were helping them or paying for the funeral etc. That was ok I guess. As far as I am concerned, you are right up there with Leggett, you are responsible for your children and you weren't there for them. And by the way where is the father? And as far as the grandmother goes honey YOU NEED HELP! You need to learn to deal with your short comings which show up in your daughter!
Well I guess by now everyone can clearly see just who the author of this comment is.
All I can say is THOSE POOR CHILDREN!. If this is the best spokesperson they have in that family the rest of those kids are in big trouble. Anger, guilt masked by anger, more anger, and all directed outward instead of where it might be constructive...I only hope that there is a team of social workers keeping watch over the rest of them.
I would think the WHOLE family is tired of the bashing. Blamming the family members will not bring Sarah back. Why do they have to deal with this while dealing with their grief. I'm sure we all have something in our past that we would like to change, so let's stop bashing them and let them try to move forward. If this happened to you and your family, would you want your community telling you how bad you are?
Joe...I just she reads the"rag" and she will read the truth in all these comments. Enough said!!!
If this post is really from the grandma I would like to ask her where she was when Leggs left her property holding the young girls had?
if you think people are bad to be judgemental about you and your daughter, why are you so judgemental about others?
The community does deserves to tell her how bad she is (Jennifer and her mother). I understand both lost a "loved" one, but you don't think the community suffered too? Many people felt saddened and heart broken when Sarah went missing, her classmates, classmates parents, teachers, and neighbors. I am sure many mothers across Delmarva shed more tears for little Sarah then her own mother did. Jennifer has eight children, and she does not raise any of them. Eight children and she can't care for one. Why? Because she is to dame selfish and ignorant to change her self for her children. People say she made a mistake in her past ok I get that. But eight children is no mistake. She has had plenty of time to try and better herself, but she could care less. As for the grandmother who wrote this, you obviously weren't a good mother with what you instilled in your child that it is okay to have eight children and leave them to be someone else's responsiblity. Your daughter is less of a human, what kind of mother carries eight children and doesn't love them enough to be there mother!!! Jennifer couldn't tell you anything about her children, she could care less what their favorite show is, color is, or food is. She probably couldn't even tell you one of them. And karma's a bitch?? Well I guess you both have one big bitch coming your way!
I watched the interview last night and I would like to know where the tears were...Never saw one!!! The act was good, but not good enough...I do feel for them. Nobody should lose a child, but its difficult when you don't see remorse from the parents...
Hey who ever wrote this go wash your mouth out! Disgusting! Go look in the mirror and she the big failure. Maybe if you raised your kids right the first time maybe you would not has this issue!
ah come on guys you know its easier to place blame elsewhere
My goodness - you have to have some common sense to realize where babies come from
You would think some one would tell them after #2
Stupidity breeds stupidity
Who suffers
The Innocent Children
I'd just like to mention this.
Take a good hard look at the volume of comments on Salisbury News every day.
The other day I accepted some 633 comments in one day alone.
Mind you, JT & Co. send in quite a few every day that I reject. I reject the personal attacks, curse words, capital letters and comments that aren't on topic.
Which one are you??????????
Firstly, if you are going to put yourself out in the media trying to garner sympathy for yourself, you take what you get.
Secondly, 8 kids, 2 of them dead, and she has custody of NONE of them. Mother of the year material for sure.
A course is sentence and paragraph structure might be useful, OP.
Joe, I love your blog, I do. I do also believe that you let everyone express thier comments. Well first let me start with I am one of 7 children. I have siblings that are alcoholics and I have a couple of them that are in jail for drugs/burglary ect. And younger ones that just cant settle down with life. I am married with children I pay my bills I have no criminal background nor am I am alcoholic. I am not perfect but I do my best, and yes, all of us were raised by the same mother. Why did I go one way and they others down different paths?? Not because of how my mother raised us, or anything like that. Because when we get older WE make our own decisions and DO what WE want to do against anyones advise. So to Sarahs Grandmother...you did the best you could and that you would help take care of your grandchildren is awesome too. Some parents would just walk away. I commend you for doing all that you could and I am so sorry for your loss. For Jennifer, I just hope you can get your self straighten up and take care of the rest of your children. There are alot of WHAT IFS in life and you cant change the past, you can only look towards the future and learn from your past and what ever mistakes were along the way. God took Sarah because it was his time to have her just a horrible way as to how it happened. I know it was a horrible event for Sarahs family and it sucks that she had to be the one THAT PULLED ALL OF DELMARVA TOGETHER and has us ALL looking out better for our children. Making us more aware of everything around us. WBOC is a little hard about repeating its self over and over but that is just how they do thing. People quit your bitching and if you dont want to watch something DONT FRIGGIN WATCH IT if you dont want to hear something change the station that is our rights, we dont have to hear or watch anything. Just stop tearing a woman apart saying how bad of a mother she was and how she should have done this and done that cause she did all she could do. I will repeat myself again Joe, your blog is awesome, i check it everyday...but some people just use it to bitch cause they have nothing better to do then to bash other people in hopes to make them look good.
7:39 Not child but EIGHT Children!
wow lady u really should seek help!!!!joe is an awesome person who helps us see day 2 day activities so u might need 2 read a lil more blogs b 4 u bash him!!!! anthor thing ure daughter didnt show any kind of real reactions last night i didnt see 1 tearf shed she tried her damest but it didnt work she shoud b ashamed havin all this children n not raising them i understand ppl make mistakes but not 8 times so get over ure selfish acts n maybe thank all the ppl who actually helped look 4 this beautiful child! IT MAKES ME SICK 2 READ URE POST LADY
This looks like its generational. If this woman had her children taken from her, and DSS was heavily involved in Jennifer Foxwell's life, then I do believe what someone said before me.. stupidity breeds stupidity. It must be frustrating for those DSS workers who connect these people with services that will better their lives and the lives of the children, and the people are too stubborn and proud to take advantage of it. Taking a child out of a home is the absolute last resort for DSS and it looks like both generations didn't care.
So terribly sad...poor child didn't have a chance in this world with such a selfish mom; I, too, pray that Social Services steps up to protect the rest of them.
One tiny little sperm beat out a million others to make that? Wow.
This screams ENABLER. No wonder the family is so f*cked up. Woman-you need some serious help.
Schleup03, I think you are one fine, sensible person.
I have a large family and most of us turned out great. In fact all of us did fine while we were under our parents roof.
One didn't after leaving. Got in with some bad people, rest is history.
I love this blog, too, but there sure are a lot of rock throwers on it.
I am a grandmother and I cannot imagine speaking the way this lady does. Why is your daughter the way she is?
Breeding......God Bless the SEVEN children left behind.
OK all you wonderful citizens......There are thousands of Children in need of real role models....Try contacting The salvation Army, Church organizations, Little Leagues,Homeless shelters Free food Kitchens. Those of you who can offer integrity,and a clean background verification. Honor this Child and Thousands other......Try and remember...The good outweighs the BAD in the world...
so with what everyone is saying here i guess it is safe to assume that Joe Albero's daughter or son (whoever is parent of Joes grandson) is messed up in the head and should be victimized like Sarah's mother????...sorry Joe (not saying thats your case) but just trying to prove a point...
Oh...good point 10:46. I don't think Joe believes that, though. Remember that these were comments from Others.
The Foxwell case has had the entire community involved which means there are A LOT of opinions and feelings flying around. However, the family members are the ones who have suffered the greatest loss--whether we approve of their parenting skills or not!
Non family members are entitled to their feelings but need to keep in mind that they aren't the ones feeling the pain as severely.
Let them vent. This is obviously part of their healing process.
As far as the family watching the news and reading this news blog, just don't do it. YOu are asking for more pain by doing so. God bless you and our community. And may TJ Leggs be served the justice he deserves!!!!
wow... personally, I think it was more than ridiculous for Jennifer Foxwell to get on TV and "try" to look good in the eyes of the public. If anything, she should hide herself and be embarrassed. But unfortunaely, people like that are very selfish and only see themselves as the victim. As far as having 8 children, people, we are not living in the 18th century! For God's sake, get some birth control. You get everything else from the state for free, they will pay for that too. Sorry, but I have a foster child, and I am sick and tired of hearing the boo hoos of the parents..
See what drugs do to a society.
As the old saying goes,
"It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool then to open it and prove you are one."
I am just curious as to why Jennifer is going by Foxwell when everyone knows the last guy she married was a Powell.While he was on the road driving a truck to support the family she was out at the bars.No gossip,I heard this firsthand from her husbands coworkers.He couldnt keep a job driving a truck because he never knew what the hell she was doing at home.Whats up with that?
Furthermore,I am very sorry for her loss but she is NOT a good mother nor was she ever.
Each and everyone of us have issues or situations that occur in our lifes we would prefer not to put out there for all to see.
Had this happened to someone without a horrid history, would the people of the community be digging to find out what dirt lies underneath them?
Bad things happen, this happened. Move on to preventing it from happening to your own children or someone eles's child.
I do not agree that anyone in the Foxwell family should be sensationalizing (sp?) this entire thing and it is in poor taste that they frequently comment on this blog and it was in poor taste that Jennifer agreed to an interview with WBOC.
I never have understood how parents of children in tragic situations can even speak in public-I would be a basket case.
Enough of the hateful comments. Everyone knows the Foxwell family has issues, carrying on about them here isn't going to change them or bring Sarah back.
1:24 Anything other than hearing it from the source is considered gossip! Really....jeez
This is the thanks we as a whole get from your family..Lady go wash your mouth out with soap. I can't believe you are a mother let alone a grandmother!!
why don"t you have your grandchildren living with you? As a grandmother, if my daughter couldn"t raise her 8 children then I would have to step in and take them instead of another person in the family... Shame on you...
you people (yes dougie, I said it again) are just plain sick and disturbing, well most of you. I sincerely hope real tragedy strikes you so you can learn from the experience. Some things can never be understood without the experience. Without understanding, you have ignorance.
You can say what you want about her kids, but her nails are well cared for.
2:15 who you talking to?
"Did that moron sign her name?
Looks like she raised an irresponsible child herself. What mother would give up her own children to anyone. And then the grandmother defends her actions?? That is what is wrong with America these days. Have babies whether you can afford them or not. Someone will take care of them, right Obama!"
okay look moron....Obama has nothing to do with this. God only knows why you would even bring him up. This topic has nothing to do with him and if you wanna bash Obama then go join the rest of your ignorant, conservative buddies who crack on him for one thing or another relevent or not. Grow up and actually do some research on his policies and what he's attempting to accomplish This woman gave her child away for a certain reason. That doesnt make her a bad mother, it shows she's just not capable of dealing with a child. That doesnt make her any less of a mother. People do things for specific reasons and its NONE of our business why. A terrible thing happened to this poor girl and its noones fault except the sorry excuse of a man who did murder her. So how about you all grow up and see things from a different perspective and open your minds up a bit..k? good.
your friend,
17 year old high school student;)
"Jennifer sets the record straight" on WBOC...what a joke. I'd like to see Barbara Walters do the interview, maybe then we'll see some real tears.
Grandma has a potty mouth. What must Sara's siblings be feeling. This mother and grandmother are toxic to the children. You lay down at least 8 times and have unprotected sex. How many of the kids have the same Dad? Sara's family or whomever their guardian is should put the children up for adoption.At least you would be giving them a chance to be in a loving home.There is nothing worse than having children and they are made to feel guilty for being born.
Food for thought and the fact is, the mother could not "take care" of her own kids because she was in jail. That was her personal issue. I don't know why no one wants to just say it like it is.
As a parent and a grandmother it is easy to get caught up in family drama. If you have the resources and knowledge then you are able to get help and not be an enabler. I was an enabler to my alcholic ex-husband. It was a long journey to mend fences with my son after living with an alcholic father. Some people don't think they need help because they are not doing anything wrong. To Jennifer's mother, please ask for and accept help from a certified counselor, so that you will stop becoming an enabler and defending your daughter for the wrong things. It is a mother's instinct to defend her child when someone is on the attack, but at some point you have to step back and take care of yourself. Your grandchildren need you more than ever now.
" . . .every person is a human and the is only to be judged by [G]od."
Not sure I fully understand the grammar there, but I have to ask: Does that mean the judicial system should let Thomas Leggs go?
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