You know life is good when you have a LINE going into a Hardware Store. Ace has it goin on people. They must have a stock of shovels inside. Now all these people need is someone who knows how to USE IT! I hear the City of Salisbury Public Works Department will be holding evening seminars on the proper way to use a shovel. After all, they've been forced to shovel sh!t for more than 10 years now and they're considered experts.
I wish the city would come shovel the sh*t pile of snow on our road!
There were at least 100 people in line at 2. I turned around - it wasn't worth waiting a couple of hours.
Ace is da place!
Is that how far the line for the free grandslam at denny's went?
Use a snow shovel to move s**t and you're going to get a backache.
I was in that line and it moved along nicely. Ace employees very nice and organized in the way they handled all the people. I use Ace alot because I live on this side of town and don't like going north to Lowe's or Home Depot if I don't have to.
All of these people are Stupid! They should have already had a snow shovel.
It's just like the grocery stores before snow, people go in and buy, buy, buy and ransack the stores.
It's all stupid. I cannot believe people are not more prepared after all the storms we've already had!
I want to say thank you to the public works people. The ones I saw today were digging out fire hydrants.
We take so much for granted.
For all of the TAXES I have to pay to live within city limits, I sure am not getting anything for my money. So, what is the cities sorry excuse today for not plowing even once in my neighborhood.
Surely there must be some sort of plan. Delmarva Power has a website where you can see what areas don't have electric and where the work crews are at any given time.
6:12 PM
I was there simply because snow shovels don't last forever, the handle of mine broke. Furthermore, if any of the other stores in town had a shovel to be had maybe so many people would not have been there - DUH!!
4:19 I actually went to Denny's this morning and was in and out in 15 minutes and had a GREAT meal and GREAT customer service.....I was pleasantly surprised.
Living in Salisbury we have to shovel the sidewalks, dig out the fire hydrants... heck we even had to plow our own street! I want my taxes refunded!
I totally agree about the taxes being refunded. I have watched snow plow trucks loaded with salt the past 2 days riding around Salisbury with the plows up and no salt coming out... what in the world is wrong with that picture?? Try looking at Eastern Shore Dr or college Ave and tell me why some spots are still 1 car wide?
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