Eric Wargotz took time out of his busy schedule to make the trip up north to Massachusetts to lend a hand in the Brown Campaign over the past few days and came home victorious. Republicans truly stepped it up a notch for this election and clearly made a positive difference. Let's hope we can see this same momentum for republicans throughout the Country.
It's what You can do for Your Country. Badabing!
Eric Wargots, a good common sense leader and one of marylands best chances to get common sense in the senate.
Have you looked at the news on tv today?
Thanks GOP the price of insurance has already gone up.
It is the first time in my life that I am proud of the people of Massachusetts !!
One of the best days in the history of the United States. Now maybe we can have a government that starts solving the important issues such as jobs, deficit spending, and terrorism instead of health care. And maybe they will be forced to do it out in the open rather than in Harry Reid's office.
Eric is no Brown. I sure wish he was. But his ACTIONS as an elected representative speak differently than his campaign words.
We really need a solid Republican to run.
And a stronger one than Harris in the Congressional district.
Brown was strong and he got the job done. But it won't do us any good to throw support at weak ones.
5:06, talk about hyperbole.
If you think that democrats are the only ones who practice "closed door politics" then you are setting yourself up for further dissappointment in government in the near future.
And health care is not important?
Isn't this the "outside interference" that conservatives in MA were complaining about?
So proud of Eric Wargotz. Proud of his very good work on behalf of all of us in Queen Anne's County and that which benefits the Shore. There is no better in terms of being in touch with his constituents. He always returns my call's and emails. I've heard him speak as a Commissioner and as a US Senate candidate. This man has strong character and integrity. A decent, hard-working guy who has the courage to take on tough issues and the establishment when it is the right thing to do. We may not always agree but I respect him as a fair and concerned elected official. I admire his dedication to the Brown campaign and applaud his efforts in Mass. on his behalf. Brown and Wargotz will be an excellent team in the US Senate. Two very fine, men of the people who understand who they work for - us!
Based on my exposure, personal contact, communication and knowledge of Jim Rutledge, Maryland candidiate for U. S Senate, he is not to be counted out. He may come across to some as a "country bumpkin', but he is very compasionate and has a tremendous grasp of the issues we are facing as Marylanders and Americans.
You may want to check him out on his web-site: www.RutledgeforUSSenate.com
He is not afraid to get out amongst the people and present his political views and positions. He will be the "political race horse" that I am going to put my money on for the U.S. Senate this year.
We may want to consider the merits of the Jim Rutledge candidacy for U. S. Senate. He is an outsider and has many of the leadership traits and characteristics that "We the people" are looking for these days.
From what I have heard, he is not timid about standing up and speaking out on where we are as a Nation and wheere we should be headed.
I must confess that I haven't made my mind up yet on who I am going to support in the Maryland US Senate race. I am becoming more disenchanted with Rutledge though as I sense his "folks" seem to chase down posts about Wargotz and try to high-jack them. Pretty pathetic and it is turning me off. I do think Wargotz has the right idea of actions louder than words. Wargotz is to be commended for his efforts as commissioner in Queen Anne's and on behalf of Senator-elect Brown. I will point out that none of the other US Senate candidates, including Rutledge, cared about the nation and party enough to have the decency of team spirit to head up to Mass to assist in this pivotal race. (frankly, either did Ehrlich, hogan, Harris, etc) Shame on candidates who talk a good game but prove to be empty shells when our nations health care and other matters are at stake! Wargotz speaks with actions..the others, well, usual campaign BS. From what I have read, wargotz is the honest broker here and no nastiness or rumors about others coming from his campaign. He appears to be an honorable guy of integrity and very much in touch with the "people" Like Brown, he doesn't just get it, he is it. You know, after re-reading my own post, I'm sick of politics as usual and this hijacking by another candidate disgusts me. I guess I am for Wargotz afterall.
Eric Wargotz is a great guy, and is the best choice for Maryland. I really hope that more leaders like Eric come out of the woodwork.
Check out Huffington Post to see that Dr. Wargotz donates money to DEM campaigns! How solid of a Republican is he; in this case, actions speak louder than words. Arm yourself w/ information and consider another candidate unless you want one who will cave to the pressures of Capitol Hill; if he supports with money, he will support with votes, words and endorsements.
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