It looks like Conan O’Brien isn’t getting a golden parachute, but a golden muzzle. Is it worth it? The (for now) Tonight Show host has gotten a lot of mileage—and improved ratings—out of poking fun at NBC, et al, over the mess about moving the show’s time slot.
And I admit watching Conan skewer his employers and colleague/competitor Jay Leno has been part of the great fun in watching Conan of late. But what will happen when he can’t do that anymore?
It looks like NBC will pay Conan O’Brien $40 million to walk away from The Tonight Show because of Conan’s refusal to move the time of the show to 12:05 am. One of the apparent stipulations of the deal with NBC is that Conan refrain from bad-mouthing the network (and I assume “the network” also means Jay Leno and Jeff Zucker, two favorite O’Brien targets of late). I know I haven’t been alone in being fascinated by this corporate drama/train wreck. And I think part of the reason we’ve enjoyed it so much is there’s been a certain vicarious thrill in watching Conan trash his employer so publicly (and with such biting but still funny humor).
Who hasn’t wanted, on some occasion, to do so? I’ve been pretty lucky in my career. For the most part, I’ve worked for people and companies that were good to me and I respected, and I’ve had lots of great colleagues (and when I didn’t, that was pre-Twitter). But everyone has wanted to stick it to their boss/company at some point, and rail about egregious unfairness, stupid decisions, how badly we’ve been treated, and undeserving colleagues. And for a while there, Conan was venting for all of us. It was fun while it lasted.
GO HERE to read more.
If my boss was willing to pay me 40 mil to walk away. I think i could manage to cry all the way to the bank.
Let's be serious who cares about these overpaid millionaires?
Seems to be a trend here to b!tch and moan about these "overpaid millionaires", whether it's actors, politicians or businessmen.
How about your get off your lazy a$$, go to school, earn a degree make something out of yourself and maybe one day you will become one of these "overpaid millionaires." I doubt that you'll keep complaining.
What's your excuse then Alex?
I hope I understand your question correctly, but I don't complain about millionaires, instead I work hard to hopefully one day become one.
10-13 years ago, I did not speak a word of English (yes, I'm here legally). Now, I have a good full time job and working on my Master's, but this is not about me.
I just find it interesting, how much people love to complain about those who are more fortunate. I believe they call it the envy.
They simply call it envy. The complement "the" is not necessary in English.
Thanks for your comment.
The NBC Leno Conan debate, who cares! With all the serious issues that are out there, again who cares!!! Feel sorry for those Poor little millionaires!!!
No one would complain about the "overpaid millionaries" if all the ones in Hollywood were not liberals preaching to the rest of us to do the right thing while they over indulge and get overpaid. I give willingly to my fellow man, I donate, I volunteer and I do not preach to anyone else that they should do it too. I am not paid at all right now because my business is very slow (I am self employed). I say to Conan...grow up!!! Leno is better than you at entertaining us. If he were in the real world he would just be fired. He should be happy he gets paid to walk. But no he deserves more, right? (sarcasm)
hey alex, I am damn sure I make a hell of alot more than you. chalk that up to the marines and a college education, which by the way no one but me paid for. like i said who cares about a bunch of overpaid millionaires. what have they done for society? we have doctors teachers firemen, and yes even polics officers who are doing a hell of alot more for society then them and they are getting millions! like I said who cares!
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