Salisbury Fire Department crews spent a quiet, cold Saturday afternoon going door to door to help save lives. Firefighters walked the neighborhoods of Second Street and Upland Drive today, both which recently experienced structure fires. Crews spoke to residents about fire safety in the home; most occupants allowed the crews inside to test their smoke detectors or install one if they lacked one. Crews also helped the residents by looking for any obvious fire hazards, such as blocked exits or objects that may be too close to heating devices. Firefighters went over practicing escape plans with families, and reminded everyone if they should have a fire to get out and stay out.
The Salisbury Fire Department “After the Fire” Program was created to go back to the neighborhoods recently affected by the tragedy and destruction of fire to help educate and promote fire safety. The overall goal is to remind everyone of the basics and help save lives. The “After the Fire” program is a supplement to our Home Fire Safety Inspection Program.
Salisbury Fire Department crews visited a total of 68 homes in the Second Street and Upland Drive area, with 32 residents asking our firefighters to talk with them and check for hazards. A total of 10 smoke detectors were given to residents who did not have a working smoke detector. A total of 22 batteries were replaced in homes with non-working smoke detectors.
An invaluable service was performed today and has helped to prevent loss of life. The Salisbury Fire Department urges everyone to test their smoke detector monthly, change their batteries twice a year and practice their escape plan monthly. If you, or someone you know is in need of a working smoke detector, please contact the Salisbury Fire Department at 410-548-3120.
The next “After the Fire” program is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13, 2010 at 1pm, on Richmond Avenue in Salisbury, where a fire occurred early Friday morning. The Maryland State Fire Marshal’s Office is currently investigating that fire to determine the cause.
The fire dept. couldva had all of SALISBURY inspected after the Washington ST, fire in 09. Just another case of reACTIVE ACTION INSTEAd of proactive planning.
Thank you Salisbury Fire Department for working hard today!!
I agree with 7:56 PM. The reason of the program now is Gordo, Hoppes and Bragg are trying to shine in the eyes of the public and hoping to get Hoppes appointed to the Fire Chiefs position. Ireton do the right thing and get rid of those 3 stooges NOW!!
I agree with 7:56 PM. This is just a stunt for Gordo, Hoppes and Bragg to shine in the eyes of the public and the Mayor and council. They are trying their best to get Hoppes appointed as fire chief. Ireton you need to do what is best for everyone and get rid of these three stooges.
Give your space heaters space,ah! they need space ah! cause they catch fire ,ah! they can catch fire. Oh hell, I dont know what I'm talking about. Great job. A probie could have expressed the message better.
I was not surprised that the Chief or his supoort staff were not seen. Three firemen from station 1 isnt a great turnout. These firefighters have lost all hope and dont support the current leadership.
I agree Snatch Block. If thats the best Salisbury can find to speak then just dont speak. Wow! That set public information back 30 years !
Dont blame the PIO Snatch Block. The fire Chief could have given an interview and sent the message. Hes just too lazy to simply fax a piece of paper to news agencies. He would rather waste the overtime money on this than have a Paramedic staff an ambulance when needed. Hes not serious about cutting cost or your safety as he preaches. He is strapped to Gordy and money grows on trees.
Can we see a press release on the new iniatitive called "Working From Home". Thats where the Deputy overindulges at THE TURTLE on Wednesday night and comes to work late. What work do we do at home every Thursday ?
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