And just now, hot off the press… er… inbox, is notice that PEPCO has asked that the Mid-Atlantic Power Pathway, MAPP, be suspended:
PEPCO letter 1.8.09 to suspend MAPP, includes 1.8.09 letter from PJM’s Herling
They’re saying it’s because MAPP is reliant on PATH in the modeling, but they already withdrew the Indian River to Salem leg and delayed the rest due to LACK OF NEED, and now… well, we know it’s not needed. So whatever, I just wish they’d be honest about it.
Again, remember that all three of these, PATH, MAPP, and Susquehanna-Roseland were promoted based on the 2007 RTEP, which was based on those inflated peak figures from 2006!
Here’s the sensitivity analysis from PATH that is applicable to other projects:
PATH - Cover letters & sensitivity analysis
Transmission falling like dominos in a hurricane… I love it when this happens!
told ya that yesterday. so why do they need the line running through lower maryland. it surely won't bring rates down, quite the opposite. who do you think is going to have to pay for it?
I find it interesting that the MAPP project refuses to tell the public consistent stories...they told us lies about how high the towers would be at all of the public meetings. They told some people 120', others 140', some 160' and still others 180'.
They refused to let us take home pictures of the proposed towers--I guess they don't want us having proof of what they told us the towers would look like, when they end up looking totally different!
Also, they did not mention that the towers will probably need flashing lights on top of them if they are anywhere near an airport! There are tons of small airports all over Delmarva that will require towers of that height to be LIGHTED! You will be able to see these flashing lights from MILES away!
Our electric bills will NOT decrease if this project goes through....they are going to charge us additional surcharges on our electric bills forever!
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