Incident: Possession of CDS with the Intent to Distribute
Date of Incident: 24 February 2009
Location: Records Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Timothy Lee Whaley, 30, Salisbury, MD
2. Aiesha D. Beaty, 26, Salisbury, MD
Date of Incident: 24 February 2009
Location: Records Street, Salisbury, MD
Suspect: 1. Timothy Lee Whaley, 30, Salisbury, MD
2. Aiesha D. Beaty, 26, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 24 February 2009 at 1:40 PM, a deputy patrolling on Records Street in Salisbury stopped a vehicle operated by Timothy Whaley for an equipment violation. Upon making contact with Whaley, the deputy discovered that he was wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant for assault that had just been issued the previous day. After Whaley was placed under arrest, the deputy asked the passenger, Aiesha Beaty to exit the vehicle while it was searched. Just prior to Beaty exiting the vehicle, the deputy observed her eating out of a bag of potato chips. Upon searching the vehicle, the deputy located individually wrapped baggies of marijuana inside the same potato chip bag. Based on the packaging of the individual baggies, they appeared destined for sale by the duo.
Both Whaley and Beaty were transported to the Wicomico County Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance Whaley was held on $100,000.00 bond while Beaty was held on $15,000.00 bond in the Detention Center by the Commissioner.
Also Whaley was detained on $10,000.00 bond on the Arrest Warrant that charged him with Assault 2nd Degree and Reckless Endangerment.
Both Whaley and Beaty were transported to the Wicomico County Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance Whaley was held on $100,000.00 bond while Beaty was held on $15,000.00 bond in the Detention Center by the Commissioner.
Also Whaley was detained on $10,000.00 bond on the Arrest Warrant that charged him with Assault 2nd Degree and Reckless Endangerment.
Possession of Marijuana
Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Possession of Marijuana with the Intent to Distribute
Someone tell Lynn Cathcart that the COUNTY sheriff's department nabbed another one inside Salisbury city limits, since Lynn thinks the county doesn't do anything for the city.
Got him not once but twice in the city in a week. Go Road Dogs you are the real deal. Keep hammering these thugs. I see more and more arrest in the city by county guys. I guess when you have you area under control you can help out those in need.
mike carey for worcester sheriff
Mike Carey for president
Keep bonding him out !! We will keep the light on. What a thug. If there was a definition for thug in Salisbury this guys picture would be there. He will continue to spread poison until street justice gets him or maybe just may be the legal system will work and he can go away for a while.
The Road Dogs are at it again. I salute you guys. For those of you that do not know what a Road Dog is. It is that Dog that goes out in all kinds of weather. It never sleeps the same shift. It does not get awards at the "Christmas Banquet". It does not get to have Casual Friday. It does not get to wear soft clothes and drink coffee with the Big Dogs. It never sees the same week as you and I. This Dog works all Holidays. While you sleep this Dog patrols. When special events come up this Dog may work eight days in a row or a varied schedule. This Dog takes an actual bite out of Crime. They are known to work in packs or groups. They chase evil in all kinds of weather. Some of these Dogs never leave the pack. They will be Road Dogs for Life. They will never get to sit in the Big Dogs House. To you I salute you. Road Dogs Rule. I am not taking anything away from the house Dogs they have a job to. I am just saying the Road Dogs are outta site, Outta mind, until crap hits the Fan. If it gets really bad they call on those Swat Dogs. Now that is in fact a scary animal. That chapter is for another time now kids get to bed.
Your daddy LUVS you
Mike carey Ambassador to Willards
Mike Carey for king of Prussia
"Go serve these protective orders. He he HA HA HA HA HAAA HAAAA HAAAAAAAAAA, BOOOOOYAHHHHH!!"
What is that little white spot. I think it is a computer chip linked directly to OSSI. That or he and another White Spot are twins seperated at birth. Ouuuuuchhh.
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