I just got a phone call from Charles wishing me and my family a Merry Christmas. I was so impressed that this guy would reach out to me in this way, having only met him a couple of times, that I wanted to make sure I mention him here. Charles is an impressive guy and has a great chance in the congressional race to unseat Hoyer and I will be supporting him any way that I can.
Charles Lollar hopes to unseat Hoyer The Sentinel Nov 11, 2009 Charles Lollar, 38, is hoping to upset House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer’s 28-year hold on Maryland’s 5th Congressional District by running for Congress in 2010.
Unseating a 28-year veteran will be no small task but Lollar, a former marine and father of four, says he’s up for the challenge.
Lollar said that because Hoyer has been in Congress for 28 years, he has not only forgotten about the people in the district but also the reasons why he was elected in the first place.
“There is something wrong with a congressman who represents Prince George’s County, but doesn’t even come to Prince George’s County, doesn’t give town hall meetings in Prince George’s County, takes advantage of our vote, and spends more time out of the state than in the state,” said Lollar. “You have to spend time in the county to make a difference.”
Mykel Harris, chairman of the Prince George’s County Republican Central Committee, said, “The conventional wisdom says that Hoyer cannot be beaten, just like the conventional wisdom says that David couldn’t beat Goliath. The reality is that even given Hoyer’s long term of service – and his very powerful position in Congress – he has been the captain of a ship that is deliberately steering toward a financial iceberg,” he said.
Prince George’s County holds a significant portion of the 5th congressional district votes. Historically, Hoyer has consistently won over Prince George’s County by large percentages in the general elections. In 2008, Hoyer won with 73.6 percent of the total votes.
“It is a benefit to the county to have someone in Congress at such a high level as the second-ranking person in Congress behind the speaker of the house as the majority leader,” said Terry Speigner, chairman of the Prince George’s Democrats. “That brings an immense amount of value not only to Maryland, but to district five and Prince George’s County.”
So far there are only officially two candidates running: Democrat Thomas Deflbaugh Sr., and Republican Collins A. Bailey, who ran against Hoyer in the last congressional election.
Lollar said he is running because he is concerned about the direction in which the country is headed.
One of his chief concerns is government spending. “We are running a $9 to $10 trillion dollar deficit, we’re trying to push a lot of dollars through to programs without stabilizing our economy, and our dollars are being weakened on the international front,” said Lollar.
He said the country needs to balance its budget. “I think if you ask anyone how important it is to only spend what you have and not more that, I think you would get complete agreement from everyone,” said Lollar.
Lollar said he is against abortion rights, same-sex marriages and in favor of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy. He does not support Obama’s health-care reform policy and says that the government should focus more on immigration policies.
The Charles County resident and father of four, is the general manager for Cintas Corporation in Landover.
“The arrogance of Congress is out of control,” said Lollar. “I am concerned because I refuse to go out of this country and fight for my country just to come home and lose my country; I am just not going to do it.” His first officer assignment in combat was in Kosovo, in the Bosnia area, where he spent six months to a year away from his family.
Some people do not believe Lollar is right person for Congress. “What we don’t need in a congressman is someone who has the same ideal and platforms that George Bush had and that’s what Charles Lollar represents,” said Speigner. “Some of the same arguments we heard for the last eight years that put us in this situation that Obama’s trying to dig us out of.”
Lollar was born on the Yakima Indian Reservation in Washington state. He obtained his associate’s degree from Emory University, his bachelor’s degree in political science from Kennesaw State University, and an MBA from Regents University in Virginia. He met his wife Rosha while attending Emory University.
Charles Lollar
a former marine, a black man with morals and values! against abortion and gay marriage. oh no, i can hear all the liberals now, it will be interesting to see who all the race hustlers come out against him!
we need more fine young men like him! It is a shame the black community is so tied to a party that does nothing for them!
people like hoyer is what's wrong with this state and this country. I wish Mr. Lollar good luck, he's gonna need it!
I met and his wife at Tawes. Thet are two genuine and nice people. This world needs more families like his, I wish them a very Merry Christmas!
It's refreshing to hear this intelligent man speak unlike someone like Reverend Bailey !
11:01, why are you comparing this person to Reverend Bailey? Is it because they are both black? are you surprised that a black man can speak intelligently?
just wondering why the comparison. why not compare him to Steny Hoyer, since that is the man he is out to replace instead of some other person who's only relation to Lollar is his race.
Charles was telling me about the huge amount of snow on the western shore, when we spoke yesterday. He couldn't get out of the driveway, anyway, people need to check him out. He's a great guy with a wonderful platform. His wife is also beautiful :)
How refreshing! If the T.E.A(Taxed Enough Already) Party Rallies continue to produce such conservative, committed and well qualified candidates as Charles Lollar, we will be truly blessed.
His candidacy will surely generate enthusiasm and re-energize conservatives to the extent that he could win. He has my support!
Semper Fi,
USMC (Ret.)
Sounds like 11:01 has a chip on his shoulder!
He reminds me of Lt Colonel Allen west, also running for Congress in Florida. Great men, true Americans!!HOyer is a freaking criminal.
I posted at 5:04 and made a mistake. I meant to say that 1:48 has a chip on his shoulder. My apologies to 11:01.
refreshing to hear someone not saying they are oppressed and discriminated against and the country doesnt have anything to offer them.its important for people to realize that government is not designed to provide jobs for them in a free society.if you dont have any brains sell gas,beer,and cigerettes like the middle easterners do......at least they have their place and have a job.....hahaha
Some people only see race like reverend Bailey . That was the point race baiters .
Hoyer is like pelosi was in o6. unseating him will be next to impossible. you know how it goes with the second most powerful. Good Luck, hope I get to vote for him.
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