Applebee’s honors vets and active duty military with a free meal today.
Krispy Kreme is doing the same. Or take a vet out to McCormack & Schmick’s or Golden Corral for a special dinner.
Must-read Veterans Day tributes at milblog Mudville Gazette and from Blackfive’s Matt Burden, who reminds us: “It’s about the living.”
To honor our wounded troops, make sure you pitch in at Project Valour-IT. Today’s the last day of the annual fundraiser.
A few years ago, I had the great honor and thrill of interviewing several of the surviving WWII Doolittle Raiders for Hot Air. Watch the clip here. I asked Lt. Col. Dick Cole, Jimmy Doolittle’s co-pilot, for his thoughts on America at war today. He answered bluntly:
“We’re at war. We ought to get on a war footing and get the job done.”
GO HERE to read more.
From Lt Col. Cole’s lips to the White House’s ears…
Don't forget the free Grand Slam at Denny's for those with an active military ID. Too bad it doesn't cover all veterans.
And much thanks to you guys and gals for your service!
This Veteran's Day honor the troops for all they have done for our country by hearing their stories through free documentaries - http://bit.ly/27d6Kd
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