A Liberal believes there are two time periods in the history of the United States.
*The first period is the EOB (Era of Bush), This eight year period, is when everything evil occurred. There was nothing before that period. The poor were held in bondage by Wall Street. Washington lied to the people and inflicted torture on all who opposed the regime. Conservatives were the "Great Satan."
*We have now entered the COO (Coming of Obama) period. The Meek shall now inherit the country. The wealthy shall be punished for their excesses. The "Great Leader" will educate the masses, The poor will now reside in mansions, free from disease. Their work shall consist of cashing government checks. The air and water will be pure, everyone will love one another.
Joel Brandes
Lets turn the mirror to reflect members on the right side of the aisle. We'll see a group that believed America was the world's shining angel before Obama. After Obama we are the American dream is in ashes, and the communist Hitler prototype Obama is taking over the world.
Exactly. You are so perceptive.
Utopia. We've moved on up to a deluxe apartment...
One of the requirements to become an Angel, is to be dead. We on the right prefer to live and protect our interests. Yes, that would include obtaining oil.
Your "great leader" is bent on eliminating the countries defences, strip us of energy and have us die prior to becoming old. Pardon me, if I don't wish to commit suicide, but don't let me stop you.
Joel Brandes
Simplistic in it's design and ridiculous in its form. If this is the way conservatives view things it is no wonder they wre soundly defeated and their numbers tremble with the thought of change. Kinda makes you smile
2:06, It's satire, idiot. But it speaks the truth. This is exactly how the wet pants, namby-pamby liberals view the right and their Anointed One.
K. Groves
Name calling, another lovely conservative trait. Satire, really?? I thought he just deleated the first 230 years of our history. If it is satire is it not done for the pursuit of comment? Or, all we all just suppose to shake our heads and nod in robot like agreement. duh
Remember the Boy Scouts motto. If
you don't know , you are in trouble.
That is exactly what you liberals do when Obama speaks, like sheep being led to slaughter, you guys just keep repeating yes master.
Liberals forget that we Americans killed a lot of Brits because of too much taxes and regulations.
Learn history or be doomed to repeat it!
The conservatives would be better off if they stop posting things of this nature. It's makes them look stupid. If you want change, your way, you really need to be more respectful and use facts to make your point. Most conservatives who ramble like this make me think of my "crazy" Aunt who lives and breaths conspiracy theories.
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