Cardin's Non Town Hall Meeting
If you weren't of the less than one hundred people invited to Grey Shore meeting at Salisbury University with Ben Cardin, you're out of luck. Senator Cardin won't be hosting a health care Town Hall style meeting on the Eastern Shore. He will be in Eastern Europe instead. Cardin is a Commissioner on the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (the U.S. Helsinki Commission). When asked, his spokeswoman, Susan, said he already had three town halls in the state. Just not here, on the shore. "Not before Labor Day. It's just impossible due to time constraints. He'll be in Europe."
The tightly controlled event was heavily guard by the Salisbury Police Department. There were no less then 8 uniformed officers at the event. Outside, a group of nearly 50 people held signs in opposition to the health care bill. They opposed the closed door venue and were upset that they were denied access to their representative.
Questions were to be submitted in advance. Memo Diriker, of Salisbury University organized the event back last May and thank goodness he did or we may of not had the chance to hear Cardin's views on health care."I'm not here to sell you on a bill." the senator said. "because we don't have a bill yet." The senator went on to explain we must do something about rising healthcare costs. That 46 million Americans don't have healthcare and he characterized this as uncompensated care. "We pay for it" he said.
The senator said there was a lot of misinformation and ignorance out there. He said the common themes of the health care bills that are currently be circulated are "bringing down the cost of health care" and "prevention and wellness) He said to get the public option one must take care of heart disease, take care of diabetes, obesity and "smoking problems. "When you go to the ER, they can pull up your records." Mr. Cardin insisted he would "not support a bill that's not fully paid for in 10 years." He claimed the bill doesn't cover illegal aliens but would "help anybody that reasonably needs health care".
When people were able to ask questions, the Senator got some push back. One elderly man asked who are those 46 million people without health care? Cardin claimed 300 a day loose their health care in Maryland. He said of the uninsured most of them are young people who decide not to buy health care. The second group are between 50 and 60 years old and don't qualify for Medicaid. When asked about about the health bill being constitutional, Cardin said the constitution gives the legislation body the authority and "we opted for larger government."
Cardin added he wanted the bill to include dental care in this bill as there is no prevision for it currently. He thought he could get that done under the preventive medicine initiative in the National Task Force.
The polite crowd was left hanging as Cardin apologized for being unable to answer everyone's questions and added that he believes in Town Hall Meetings. "This is not a Town Hall, but we will be back on the shore." The senator mentioned he was leaving for Ocean City, to meet the Health Commissioners from the different counties. He also said he hoped to enjoy the beach. He was then escorted out of the back of the building by the boys in blue.
So if you want to catch your representative of the United States Senate, grab your bathing suit and head to the beach.
Total loser!!!
To the commenter who claimed there weren't as many people picketing this event, I only showed a portion of them in my other photos. You're welcome to click on this image and count away. Then again, nothing will ever be good enough for you democrats. I'm sure you'll only count 49 instead of 50, or whatever.
Polite? What planet are you from? Out of 166 total people in that room, around 60 were those teabagging asshats. They were everywhere, Chuck had no idea how outnumbered he was.
And on the outside those 50-60 protesters tipped over cars, then starting burning this huge bonfire while they bayed like wolves at the moon.
On the inside, the bloodcurling screams of the ignorant right wing extremists were too much to handle.
They actually mentioned taking some kind of a hook to "Cardin the Brave".
Those anti reform zealots should all be thrown into a FEMA camp somewhere.
FK, I lol'd.
Cardin is too busy to meet with and listen to the people he supposedly represents, and must must rush off to Europe on our dime. Surely he does not have time to spend at the beach!
This guy has quickly fit into the elitist underwear and self-importance, which many Amercan people are beginning to detest.
I am convinced that every incmubent politician that continues to support the Obama Doctrine, and demonstrate the aloofness this man does, will be put on endangered re-electon list, regardless of Party affiliation. And rightly so!!! What a rallying call?
Those are campus police, not SPD. SPD can barely field enough to fill a shift, let alone babysit some politician.
Knock Cardin all you want, but he is one of the most solid legislators Maryland has had over the years. Non-extreme, always a gentleman to constituents, and always with serious meetings to attend.
If he gets to enjoy the beach for a change, more power to him. He is not a wild partying pol, but a hard worker. Our elected officials are humans, not machines. Go after the ones who are the real partiers. Cardin is not one of them.
And he's told it straight up, even if you don't like what he had to say. He's not pandering. Funny how people criticize when a pol panders and criticize when he won't.
4:59 Those were Salibury City Police. I have pictures.
8:08 You obviously didn't read the arm patch or didn't bother to take a good long look at the one pictured in "Ben Cardin Visits SU Part I".
Salisbury University is a State University, Salisbury University have their own police force as do all State Universities. If you think those cops were Salisbury City Police you are an idiot and probably have a GED.
8:08PM, The Officers in these photos look like they are in good shape. so they couldn't possibly be Salisbury City Police Officers.
4:59: They were not SPD. SPD were not at the University during the event. There were only 6 SUPD officers there.
9:20: Close, but there was 7. One was in the parking lot.
Correction, I believe they were Campus police not SPD. They were packing heat so it threw me off. I have correct that in the original.
Ben really works hard voting as leftist as ole Babs. He's a nice fit with the most liberal dem voters: Kerry, Kennedy, Babs.
Oh, by the way....Babs is under going rigorous PT and unable to schedule any Town Halls.
Hmmm. I don't get it really. The Dems have gotten exactly what they have always wanted. A DEMACRACY. A demacracy is Mob rule. They have it now, why are they so afraid of it in action.
Anthony of Salisbury
Dental care? What was originally billed as a basic health care plan is now including dental care? Is there no end to this.Most employers do not offer dental care. Even the United Auto Workers do not get free dental care.Whta next,plastic surgery for self esteem. No more taxes.
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